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Kapamsay canyon Mangyshlak.

Tours Kazakhstan.
“Nature reacts not only to physical disease, but also to moral weakness; when the danger increases, she gives us greater courage”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Aktau Mangyshalk tours.
Kapamsay canyon, located in the Mangistau district of the Mangistau region. It is only 2 kilometers from the road connecting the city of Fort Shevchenko and Tauchik to the beginning of the descent into the canyon. Kapamsay canyon stretches from south to east for 4 kilometers.
From the road connecting the city of Fort Shevchenko and Tauchik to the start of the descent into the canyon, only 2 kilometers. Kapamsay Canyon stretches from south to east for 4 kilometers. In the vicinity of the lateral Grove Canyon, the largest width of the canyon is 277 meters.
The rocks of Kapamsay canyon are composed of sedimentary deposits of the Jurassic-Cretaceous period. In the northeastern part is Mount Kapam, 199.4 meters above sea level. In the south of the canyon are the ruins of the village "Way to Communism", which in Soviet times, the local inhabitants of the village were engaged in fishing, then the northern coast of the Caspian Sea.
7 kilometers to the west is Kokbulaksay Canyon. 7.5 kilometers to the north-east of the canyon is the necropolis and the underground mosque Shakpak Ata, and 4 kilometers to the east is the long and extensive canyon Shakpakatasay.
Kapamsay Canyon, this huge corridor made up of picturesquely scattered boulders, leaves no doubt: once the sea elements raged here. This is also indicated by bizarre plants in which oceanic “progenitors” are clearly guessed.
In the Silicon Valley of Mangistau, the Kapamsay tract is located. These are large chalk cliffs, at the foot of which a narrow but deep river once flowed. At the bottom of a dry riverbed there is a green grove with huge centuries-old trees.
Travelers sometimes never reach the bottom of the river, as they are fond of collecting silicon stones, which are strewn with terrain. The surface of the soil is covered with a touch of salt, there are no fresh water sources, nor are vegetation.
Terrain completely unsuitable for humans and animals. At a height of three meters, a cave is cut down in the canyon wall. It is not known who left the stairs at her entrance. This unfriendly home clearly indicates that it served as a shelter for someone.
And apparently, people have long left him. From the hearth there was only a faint reminder in the form of a gray circle, in the corner of the square room neatly folded what was once a cradle and a yurt. Wooden parts scatter into dust from a light touch.
If we proceed from the fact that throughout the entire kilometer-long corridor of canyons there is not even a hint of caves, then the conclusion suggests itself - it is man-made. One can only guess to whom this cold stone room gave shelter.
In the canyon there is a small grove, which is located in the side gorge of the canyon. In the desert landscapes of this region, even a prickly bush pleases the eye. And what about the emotions of a traveler when meeting in such a harsh place with verdant trees.
The grayness of the stone in combination with the emerald paints of deciduous crowns are integral parts of the rare oases of Mangistau.
Geographic coordinates of Kapamsay canyon: N44 ° 24'30.37 "E51 ° 04'34.21"
Alexander Petrov, Andrey Astafyev.
Aleksandr Petrov.