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House-Museum of Shakir Abenov.

Destinations and routes Kazakhstan.
“If a writer remembers his book, then its disadvantages rather than advantages come to his mind. Fame often makes a writer vain, but rarely proud."
Wystan Hugh Auden.
Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
The house-museum of the Kazakh poet Shakir Abenov is located in the central part, closer to the right (eastern) channel of the Kos river in the village of Zhurekadyr in the administrative center and the only settlement of the Kundyzdinsky rural district, 51.9 kilometers southeast of the regional center - the village of Karaul and 87.4 kilometers northwest of the Ayagoz village in the Abay region in the southwest of the East Kazakhstan region.
In 2003, the house-museum of the poet Shakir Abenov was opened. The museum was opened in the real house of the poet, built in 1962, in this house the famous Kazakh poet lived for many years, from the beginning of the 60s until his death in 1994.
Several years ago, the house-museum was thoroughly restored, after the restoration work, the museum got the opportunity to present its visitors with updated literary and memorial expositions. Since the poet was our contemporary, the museum has a very large collection of genuine exhibits.
All personal belongings - clothes, household items, a house with utensils, as well as manuscripts, a library, correspondence, after the death of the poet were transferred to the funds of the Abai State Reserve-Museum.
When compiling the exposition, all the basic principles of creating modern literary museums were observed. The exposition of the museum begins with a hall dedicated to the poem "Kozy Korpesh-Bayan Sulu", this poem occupies a special place in the poet's work and rightfully brought him nationwide fame and recognition.
At the entrance to the hall, visitors to the museum are greeted by the main characters of the poem: Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu, whose figures occupy the central part of the first hall. Literary material introduces the history of the creation of the poem, the manuscript, and the first edition - Sh. Abenov's poem "Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu" was published as a separate book in 1938 in Almaty.
The continuation of the exposition acquaints visitors with the poet's creative laboratory on the basis of authentic materials presented on a thematic-chronological principle. Here you can see the poet's manuscripts, diaries and personal correspondence.
In addition, the museum has many exhibits reflecting the literary life of that era - photographs of contemporaries, books, memoirs of the poet's friends. There are widely presented materials revealing the composer and song activities of Shakir Abenov, at the stands of the museum there are traditional Kazakh musical instruments, including those that belonged to the poet personally.
The memorial part of the exposition is presented in separate rooms, where you can get acquainted with interesting exhibits characterizing the difficult life of the poet and his modest life. Memorial items reproduce the interior of the study and the rest room.
The greatest interest among visitors is caused by personal belongings: dombra and household items made by the poet himself, watches, the Order of Friendship of Peoples and medals, as well as photographs about the poet's family life.
The exposition is complemented by documentary materials about the perpetuation of the memory and literary heritage of the national poet Shakir Abenov.
Geographic coordinates of the house-museum of Shakir Abenov: N48 ° 32'56.15 "E79 ° 37'34.09"
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