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Poet Shakir Abenov.

Kazakh poets.
"First, works give glory to the author, and then the author gives glory to his works"
Charles Louis Montesquieu.
Singers-storytellers of Kazakhstan.
Abenov Shaker (Mukhammedshakhur) - writer, poet, akyn, folklorist, composer, member of the USSR Writers' Union (1939), participant in the Great Patriotic War. Shakir Abenov was born in 1901 on March 1 in the Kundyzdy area of the Abay region of the East Kazakhstan region.
Childhood and adolescence of the future poet passed in the family of an influential feudal lord and hajji Aben Bitimbaev, a famous contemporary of Abai. At the age of 7, Shakir learned Muslim reading and writing from the aul mullah.
Then, as a young boy, he was sent to Semipalatinsk and he entered a Russian parish school, where he studied for 3 years. Further, at the insistence of his father, he goes to study at the Galia madrasah in the city of Ufa.
At that time, the poet receives a secondary education, later Sh. Abenov replenished his knowledge on his own and was engaged in self-education all his life. He was brought up in a literary environment, his compatriots were poets - followers of the Abai tradition, Shakarim, Kokbai Zhanatayev, Arip Tanirbergenov, Uais Shondybaev, Abai's sons - Akylbai, Magavya, Turagul and many others.
The beginning of Shakir Abenov's creative activity was the distant and difficult year 1916, it was then that his first poems were published on the pages of the "Haykap" magazine. Shakir Abenov's satirical works deserve special attention in his long career.
Successful comparisons, apt definitions of the poet were immediately passed on from mouth to mouth, making his name famous. In the same years, he met the famous Kazakh poet Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov, and knew many of his works by heart.
Shakir Abenov was a great connoisseur and collector of Kazakh folklore and works of poets of the past centuries: Sabyrbai, Dulat, Tubek, Zhanak. Subsequently, he wrote down by hand and handed over to the literary sector of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan bright examples of folk poetry.
In the 30s, Shakir Abenov worked for some time as the literary secretary of Dzhambula Zhabayev. From 1942 to 1944, Shakir Abenov fought in the Great Patriotic War on the Bryansk Front, then after a serious injury he returned to his homeland. In the postwar years, the poet works very fruitfully and becomes a participant and winner of many aitys.
Shakir Abenov became the author of many poems, such as: "Tansheber-Japal", "Toktamys", "Batyr Keypin", "Mother's Love", "Ortak Aral", "Anizdar", in addition, the poet left his mark in fiction: he is the author of several short stories published in the 70s.
The House-Museum of Shakir Abenov is doing a lot to preserve the creative heritage of the famous Kazakh poet, visiting the museum will be interesting for lovers of Kazakh literature, and everyone who is not indifferent to the history of their native culture.
In the Chinggis Mountains he organized collective farms, was a member of the aul Council. Simultaneously with social work, he was enthusiastically engaged in poetry, giving preference to sharp poetry, satirical couplets. In the 30s, Sh. Abenov worked for some time as the literary secretary of Zhambyl Zhabaeva.
He was repressed in 1937. Since the beginning of the Second World War, he has been serving in a penal battalion. After a serious injury by the end of the war, Shaker Abenov returns to his native land. Recognition came only at the end of the XXth century, on the poet's 90th birthday.
No matter how difficult the fate of Shaker Abenov, literary life, the creative world remained bright and rich, although much of his work did not come down to us, and a number of works survived in handwritten versions.
Sh. Abenov is a participant and winner of many aitys. Continuing the art of improvisation by Zh. Zhabayev, D. Nurpeisova, Nartai, Shashubai, Isa, Nurkhan, Toleu, Sh. Abenov found his own individual style based on the knowledge of oral folk art.
He read and recited works of the classics of world literature - Byron, Goethe, Pushkin, Lermontov, Shevchenko, Fet, Blok, Yesenin. He brought this to the present generation along with song motives Shakarimaa's poem "Kalkaman-Mamyr".
The satirical works of Shaker Abenov deserve a separate discussion: successful comparisons, apt definitions of the poet were passed from mouth to mouth, making his name famous. Among the works of Shaker Abenov, the poem "Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu" is of particular artistic value.
For scholars, philologists, researchers, the work of Shaker Abenov is still an undiscovered treasure. The poet's work was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, medals and other awards. Shaker Abenov withstood all the torments, heavy blows of fate, but until the end of his life he remained faithful to poetry, did not betray his main business.
Shakir Abenov died on October 23, 1994.
In the village of Zhurekadyr there is a house-museum of Shakir Abenov, which is a branch of the State Reserve-Museum of Abai, therefore the exposition is made up of these funds.
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