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Kazakh Gulf.

Rest on Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan.
“And the wind will suddenly blow with heat,
The sand will lift up to heaven
Will whirl, carry, collapse
Will throw dust with haze on the temple.
Hard work gets
Here is a tree, a flower and a step.
And in this battle,
Severe, hot Mangyshlak”.
Raisa Yasonovna Grigorashvili. 22.04.1994.
Motorboat trip on Caspian Sea Kazakhstan.
The Kazakh Gulf (Kazakh Kazak shykanagy) is located in the eastern part of the Caspian Sea and the Mangyshlak Peninsula between the Rakushechny capes in the north and Sengirli in the south in the Karakiyansky district of the Mangistau region.
Dimensions of the bay: length in the western part is 91.5 kilometers from Cape Rakeshechny to Cape Sengirli, in the middle part it is 73.2 kilometers long from south-east to north-west, width at the entrance is 51 kilometers.
The depth of the Kazakh Bay is from 3 meters in the Kendyrli Bay to 50 meters in the central part on the Rakushechny - Sengirli line. The banks are mostly elevated. The salinity of the water in the bay is 13 - 14%.
In summer, the surface of the water heats up to 26 - 27 ° C, and in winter, the temperature drops to - 8 ° C and is covered with thin ice for 2 - 3 months. The eastern coast of the Kazakh Gulf is very warm, even in October the temperature is warm here, which creates good conditions for recreation.
Residents of Mangistau and guests from other regions of Kazakhstan appreciate the warm water and sandy beaches of local resorts. In the eastern part of the Kazakh Gulf there is the Kenderli Bay, which is fenced off from the sea by the Ada (Kendderli) spit, stretching from the south-east to the north-west with a rounding in the northern part to the north.
On the coast of the gulf there is a modern architectural complex "Kenderli", located 210 kilometers south of the city of Aktau, in the shallow waters of the gulf of the Caspian Sea. The warm current, clean sandy beach, long summer with clear dry weather, creates unique conditions for a full, comfortable rest, clean sea air of the Caspian Sea.
To get here, you need to go southeast along the Aktau - Zhanaozen - Kenderli highway. After 77 kilometers from Zhanaozen to the south, the beaches of Kenderli Bay begin.
Geographic coordinates of the Kazakh Gulf: N42 ° 36'55.32 E52 ° 21'20.13 "
Wikipedia. Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.