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Kayasanirek ledges.

Visit to Mangystau.
"Knowledge of other worlds has long been considered the main knowledge"
Tourist sights of Mangystau.
The Kayasanirek ledges are located in the western part of the Karynzharyk sands, east of the Kendirli-Kaisan plateau, north of the Bestortkol railway station in the Karakiya district in the southeastern part of the Mangistau region.
The length of the Kayasanirek ledges from the southwest to the northeast is 46 kilometers. The height of the ledges is from 92 to 142.8 (Kayasan hill) meters above sea level. The southern cliffs of the ledges are crossed by long ravine beds and are very picturesque.
The new Zhanaozen-Bereke (Turkmenistan) railway runs near the southern end of the ledges.
Geographic coordinates of the Kayasanirek ledges: N42 ° 33'04.01 "E53 ° 40'10.80"
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.