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Mausoleum of Kalmukhammet Ishan.

Book travel Ulytau.
“I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers”
Langston Hughes.
Favourite stays in Ulytau.
Kalmukhammet Ishan Mausoleum is located at an altitude of 220 meters above sea level, 279 meters from right (northern) bank of Dulygaly River, 1.3 kilometers from confluence of Aschyly tributary into Dulygaly, 150 meters to north and slightly west of Dulygaly mosque, 71.3 kilometers to southwest of village of Sarlyk and 84.4 kilometers to north and slightly west of village of Baikonur in Ulytau district in northwest of region of same name.
The religious figure Kulmukhammet Ishan Arystanbayuly from the Kipchak clan lived in the second half of the XIXth - early XXth centuries and became famous, first of all, as an educator who devoted his life to the education of rural children.
After receiving a religious education in Bukhara and returning to his homeland, Kulmukhammet Ishan decides to erect a mosque-madrasah Dulygaly.
Geographic coordinates of Kalmukhammet Ishan mausoleum: N48 ° 32'16 E65 ° 42'33
Vitaly Shuptar. www.guide.kz
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.