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Fortress Kurgancha.

Sacred places of Atyrau region.
"No century is able to write its own history"
Herbert Spencer.
Drive to Atyrau region from Karakalpakstan.
Kurgancha fortress is located at an altitude of 9 meters above sea level, located on edge of northwestern part of Taisoigan sands, 6.2 kilometers from left (eastern) bank of Karasai River, 11.8 kilometers southeast of village of Karasai, 7 ,2 kilometers east and slightly north of village of Aydin, 30.3 kilometers southwest of village of Konystanu in Kyzylkoginsky district of Atyrau region.
The territory of the monument is 15.3 hectares. The size of the settlement itself is 375 x 375 meters. The walls of the fortress are lined with raw clay and reach a height of up to 3 meters. The settlement is in a badly destroyed state.
The total area of the protected area is 29.5 hectares.
Including: the area of the buffer zone - 6.4 hectares, the area of the development regulation zone - 23.1 hectares. The Kurgancha fortress belongs to the XVth - XVIth centuries and is located near the left bank of the Uil River. In written sources, it is not mentioned - perhaps in antiquity it was called differently.
Local residents call Kurganchi kala. There are many legends and stories. Poems, legends and stories remain the main source. According to legend, when Asan Kaigy moved from the Volga, he and several hundred people settled in the vicinity of Kurganch for 10 years.
This is stated in the poem by Murat Monkeuly "Үshқiyan". And Sherniyaz Shanayuly claims in his works that Kurgancha was built by Nuraly Khan. In 2006-2007, a group of archaeologists from the Atyrau State University under the leadership of M. Kassenov worked here.
Geographic coordinates of Kurganch fortress: N48 ° 42'10 "E52 ° 59'18
1. Sacred Kazakhstan. T.2. - Astana, 2018 - p. 181;
2. Atyrau oblysy tarikh zhane madeniet eskertkishterinin zhyntygy: Kyzylkona, Inder audany. - Atyrau, 2012. - 67-68 bet.;
3. Kasenov M.S. Batys Kazakstandagy ortakasyrlyr Kalalarmen eldimekender - Turkistan, 2001, 309 b .;
4. Kasenov M.S. Atyrau-Caspian oypatyndaғy otyryқshylyk eskertkishterі. - Atyrau - 2011 .-- 113 p.