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Lake Kurmenty in Kolsai kolderi park.
Excursion trip to Kolsay park.
“In the old days, the richest countries were those whose nature was the most abundant; now the richest countries are those in which a person is most active"
Henry Bockle.
Relevant information Kazakhstan.
Moraine, flowing lake Kurmenty is located at an altitude of 3319 meters above sea level, located in the upper reaches of the Kurmenty River on the northern slope of the Kungei Alatau ridge in the Kegen district of Almaty region on the territory of the Kolsay Kolderi natural park.
The length of the lake from south to north is 573 meters, width is 247 meters. The perimeter of the lake is 1452 meters, the area is 103,226 square meters. The lake lies 750 meters northeast of the Kurmenty Pass, located in the main ridge of the ridge at an altitude of 3445 meters above sea level.
The lake is filled with small glaciers located at the depth of the slope covered with rubble talus, pebbles, clay. The source of the Kurmenty River begins from the northern part of the lake.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Kurmenty: N42 ° 52'40.49 "E78 ° 13'01.19"
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.