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Rest house for locomotive crews. Turkestan.

Tourist routes of Turkestan.
“The faithful wandered the streets, with huge white turbans on their heads, half-naked (to the waist) boys ran from the wells with jugs in their hands. When a horseman, or a camel, or a cart came across to us because of a turn in the street, our coachman loudly shouted some loud interjections, which were heard even louder between the walls of the street.
Those fled to the nearest lanes or gates of houses and thus gave our tarantass the opportunity to pass. Hitting the walls with our wheels and adding a new line to the numerous tracks left on them by carts, we got to the bazaar, that is, a covered street, on the sides of which, instead of empty walls, there are shops.
Here, freshly slaughtered rams hung on iron hooks, samovars stood in benches, fruits were sold, and all kinds of craftsmanship were produced. Boys and hucksters shouted and made noise, camels roared, there was din, noise and hubbub everywhere."
“Diary of 1866. Travel to Turkestan ". Alexander Konstantinovich Gaines (1833 - 1893).
Trip to Turkestan from Mangyshlak.
Rest house of steam locomotive brigades in Turkestan is located between two lanes of Shelmembet bi and Kazakbaev, which are perpendicular to Abay street. Below Abai Street to the north-east there is a small lane that abuts against the railway tracks.
Here, in the eastern side of the lane, there is a preserved brick, one-story building, which was built for the recreation of steam locomotive crews during the construction of the southern branch of the Orenburg-Tashkent railway in the period from 1900 to 1905.
The building was built in 1903. It is located on the front line of the railway station street. Built in a complex with the station buildings of the Turkestan railway station. The brick walls are whitewashed. The volume of the building, rectangular in the bus, has 3 axial risalits on the main facade and one corner one on the courtyard side, which forms an L-shaped plan.
The risalits of the main facade are completed with parapets and are decorated with double shoulder blades at the corners. Window openings with artistically executed lintels with an accentuated fan-shaped lock are united in the upper part by a wide rod.
Inside is a corridor planning system. In the risalit part, at the entrance, there are service rooms. Spacious lounges are arranged on both sides of an extended corridor, illuminated from above by 2 light lanterns.
Geographic coordinates of Steam Locomotive Brigade Rest House: N43 ° 17'03.80 "E68 ° 12'42.18"
Collection of monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan. South Kazakhstan region. Volume 1. Alma-Ata. The main editorial office of "Cossack Encyclopedias", 1994. The author of the article is G.M. Kamalova.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.