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Tajik Agrarian University.

Central Asian tours.
“Even if your father is a mirab, let your lands be located at the source of the canal and the river”
Uzbek proverb.
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Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shotemur (abbreviated as TAU; taj. Donishgohi agrarians Tojikiston ba nomi Sh. Shotemur) is located on Rudaki Avenue and the corner of Karamov Street in the northern part of Dushanbe.
one of the largest universities in Tajikistan, one of the centers for the development of the agro-industrial complex, education and science in the country. Founded in Khujand in 1931, located in the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan - Dushanbe.
The need for highly qualified personnel with engineering and agricultural knowledge, taking into account the zonal distribution of agricultural sectors in the Central Asian Soviet republics, necessitated the creation of specialized universities that train specialists in narrower specialties.
To this end, in 1931, on the basis of the agricultural faculty of the Central Asian State University (SASU) in the north of the Tajik SSR in Khujand, the Central Asian Fruit and Vegetable Institute was formed. 13 specialized departments were established, whose teachers taught 205 students and 336 trainees of the working faculty.
In accordance with the prospects for the development of the agricultural sectors of the republic, the institute was reorganized in 1934 and renamed the Tajik Agricultural Institute (TSHI), and in 1944, in order to improve the material and technical base and expand the training of specialists from all zones of the republic and the rise of agriculture, by the Decree of the Council People's Commissars of the Tajik SSR, the institute was transferred to Stalinabad (now Dushanbe).
The first rector of the institute was A. Korshunov (1931), later in different years the TSKhI was headed by: K. Komili (1931 - 1933), Pirovsky (1933), Bulatov (1933 - 1936) , Rakhmatzade (1936, 1957 - 1973), Kudryavtsev (1936 - 1939), S. F. Medvedenko (1939 - 1941), B. Sh. Polishchuk (1941 - 1942), Dolgopolov (1942 - 1944), A. Rogozin (1944 - 1945), A. A. Kaldinov (1945 - 1946), Lyapin (1946 - 1947), M. G. Gulmamedov (1947 - 1950), O. Sh. Shukurov (1953 - 1957), G. A. Aliev (1950 - 1953, 1974 - 1981), Rakhmat-zade, Usman Kurbanovich (1957 - 1973), Kh. Yu. Yusufbekov (1981 - 1986), Yu. S. Nasyrov (1986 - 2000), D. S. Tagaev (2000 - 2003), D. M. Mirzoev (2003 - 2005), I. T. Sattorov (2005 - 2013), A. F Salimov (2013 - 2020).
In order to provide personnel for such developing industries as animal husbandry and sericulture, in 1943, on the basis of the Faculty of Agronomy, a zootechnical department was established, which was transformed in 1947 into a zootechnical faculty (since 1976 - an animal engineering faculty), and in 1944 a sericulture department was established.
During the Great Patriotic War, the training of specialists was also carried out by evacuated (Leningrad, Kiev, Lvov, Kishinev, Voroshilovgrad, Michurinsk) institutes. During the Great Patriotic War, the institute was one of the military-patriotic centers for the education of youth in the Tajik SSR, many students and teachers of the institute defended their homeland from fascist invaders with weapons in their hands, and most of them remained forever on the battlefields. Few survivors of the war returned to the institute, some continued their studies, some - pedagogical work.
After the war, the republic took a course towards the intensification of agricultural sectors by performing complex tasks in plant growing and animal husbandry with the help of various means of mechanization. The construction of water management facilities and the systemic irrigation of cotton and other agricultural crops, which required a significant number of engineering personnel, acquired particular relevance. In this regard, since 1946, the training of mechanical engineers for agricultural production began, and since 1951, hydroreclamation engineers.
The organization of large livestock complexes, the transfer of animal husbandry to an industrial basis, the creation of specialized farms for the production of meat, milk, and eggs determined a significant need for veterinarians, and since 1963 the institute began to train qualified veterinarians.
Since 1950, the institute began training specialists on the job at the correspondence department. In 1966, the economic department of the Faculty of Agronomy was transformed into an independent faculty of "Agricultural Economics", in the same year the faculty of advanced training was formed at the institute.
In 1992, the Tajik Agricultural Institute was given the status of a national one by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan. TSKhI was renamed into "Tajik Agrarian University". Reason: Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan dated August 10, 1992 No. 311 "On the transformation of the Tajik Agricultural Institute into the Tajik Agrarian University."
By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated August 1, 2018 No. 376, a new charter of the state institution "Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shokhtemur" was approved. Today, almost 8,000 students study at TAU, including 291 students on the Presidential quota from the remote mountainous regions of the republic.
In total, more than 52 thousand specialists have been trained during the existence of the university. Thirty-five university graduates were elected academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and VASKhNIL, twelve were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, about 360 successfully defended dissertations for the degree of candidate of science and 65 doctors of science, hundreds of graduates became laureates of the State Prize of the USSR and the Tajik SSR.
The university has 9 faculties and 42 departments, which train specialists in 46 specialties. The teaching staff of the university has more than 400 people, including 2 academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, 7 corresponding members, 46 doctors and 52 professors, 142 candidates of science, associate professors.
There are 2 educational and production farms operating at the university - in the Yavan and Gissar regions, a research institute of biotechnology with branches in the Tavildara and Shakhristan regions. Researches of university scientists are aimed at solving topical problems in the agro-industrial complex, many studies are marked with copyright certificates, patents; new discoveries are being made in this area, over the past 10 years their number has reached 80.
For the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, a school of professors and postgraduate studies have been created at the university, the purpose of which is to attract capable and gifted students to research work.
The university has 3 dissertation councils in 4 specialties for the defense of candidate and doctoral works. The university has a faculty for working with foreign students, who have trained more than 500 specialists who successfully work in 19 countries of the world.
The university has well-established international relations with universities in Japan, Israel, Mexico, the USA, Iran, Sweden, Germany, Korea and Syria. Particular attention is paid to attracting foreign specialists to the training. In recent years, the university has been closely associated with 83 universities from 20 countries.
The Scientific Library of the Tajik Agrarian University is one of the oldest and richest libraries in the country. The library has existed since the founding of the Agricultural Institute, since September 1931.
Geographic coordinates of the Tajik Agrarian University: N38°36'42.02" E68°47'13.17"
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