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Mausoleum of Kyz Tama.

Sacred places of Kazakhstan.
“Why is the Almighty Creator of our bodies
Didn't want to give us immortality?
f we are perfect, why do we die?
If they are not perfect, then who is the spoiler?"
Omar Khayyam.
Travel guide in Kazakhstan.
The mausoleum of Kyz Tama is located at an altitude of 201 meters above sea level, located east of the Zhylanshykturme hill, between the Sary-Turgai and Kara-Turgai rivers, in the southern part of the ancient necropolis, 800 meters north of the village of Ekidin, 2.3 kilometers southwest of the Ekidin I melon mound, on the territory subordinate to the city administration of the city of Arkaly in the southeastern part of the Kostanay region.
Mausoleum of Kyz Tama, erected at the end of the 19th century. It is also called the "Maiden's Grave". This is one of the rare monuments of antiquity erected in honor of a woman. According to legends, this is the burial place of two sisters Batima and Kazina Alyskyzy.
Once in these places, near the villages of Ekidin and Zhanakala, pastures were shared by two noble and rich families, who then decided to intermarry. The daughter of Bai Alysa - Batima was betrothed to the son of Bai Konyrkulzha.
But it so happened that Batima soon died unexpectedly. In order not to interrupt the relationship, Konyrkulzha offers Alys to marry his son to the younger sister of the deceased - Kazina. At first, Kazina opposed the will of the elders, but, in the end, seeing that her refusal could spoil the former good-neighborly relations between the two clans, she agrees to observe the old steppe customs.
In memory of Batima, Kazina asked to build a beautiful large mausoleum over the grave of her elder sister and gather everyone without exception (even enemies) for a memorial dinner. And also bequeathed to be buried when her time comes, in the same mausoleum.
Thus, the girl preserved peace and tranquility between two influential families and perpetuated the memory of her sister. Since then, for more than a century, the mausoleum of Kyztama has been rising, as a memory not only of a person buried under its vaults, but also as a monument of maiden wisdom and self-sacrifice.
The mausoleum was built of baked bricks, the craftsmen used milk and horsehair to strengthen the bricks. Although clay-straw mixture was traditionally used for the construction of mausoleums in most districts of the Kostanay region, in the Turgai region an older method was practiced with the addition of animal bones and a willow frame.
The large and beautiful mausoleum still attracts the eyes of people. And the touching story of its creation is carefully preserved in the memory of the people.
Geographical coordinates of mausoleum of Kyz Tama: N49°31'37.96" E66°08'18.06"
Scientific Secretary of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore Kulyash Omarova.