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Aidahar cave.

Cave in Kazakhstan.
"Happy journey and safe return!"
Caves of Akmola region.
Aydahar Cave, Dragon Cave (Aydahar үngirі) is located at an altitude of 410 meters above sea level, located northwest of Zrenden Mountains, in western part of Zhylandy Mountains, 88 meters to east and slightly south of village of Ulgili, 31 kilometers to west and a little south of village of Zerenda, Zerenda district in north-west of the Akmola region.
The length of the cave is 270 meters, the largest width reaches 70 meters, the height is 35 meters. At the entrance to the cave, pines and birches grow. Small on the outside, it looks huge on the inside. Locals consider this cave to be sacred.
The cave is called the keeper of "holy places".
It is believed that passing through it is very useful for cleansing the body and human health in general. Mental illnesses are cured here, the cave serves as a refuge for creative people. According to one of the legends, a healer lived in this cave and it was difficult to get to him, but, having reached him, a person got rid of any disease.
After the death of the elder, the life energy of the healer remained in this cave. This helps the inhabitants to get rid of ailments.
Geographical coordinates of Aydahar cave: N52°51'55 E68°41'19
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