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Red deer in Buiratau park.

Wild animals in Buiratau park.
“Nature has endowed man with a high and beautiful gift of compassion, which extends to dumb animals. And there is no doubt that the noblest souls have the greatest gift of compassion, and people who are narrow-minded and narrow-minded consider that compassion is not the quality that they need to show to other living beings; but the great soul, the crown of creation, always sympathizes.”
Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626).
Animal watching in Buiratau park.
The enclosure with red deer (red deer, Cervus elaphus) is located at an altitude of 520 to 565 meters above sea level, located in the north-eastern part of the territory of the Belodymovsky branch, 9 kilometers to the east and slightly south of Lake Azhabay, 12 kilometers to northwest of the village of Belodymovka, 10 kilometers southeast of the Baimen reservoir, in the Osakarovskiy district in the northeastern part of the Karaganda region.
On the territory of the Belodymovsky branch there is the largest open-air cage in Central Kazakhstan in size of 400 hectares, the inhabitants of the open-air cage are marals (red deer). Over the entire history of the enclosure, over 291 red deer have been released into the natural habitat.
In 2020, 10 heads of bison were brought to the same enclosure-nursery of the Belodymovsky branch, which brought the first offspring in the amount of 2 heads.
Red deer or real deer (Cervus elaphus) is an artiodactyl mammal from the deer family. Red deer are ruminant animals, which are characterized by a four-chambered stomach. Genetic evidence indicates that the red deer has traditionally been defined as a species complex rather than a distinct species, although it remains disputed exactly how many species this complex includes.
The closely related and slightly larger moose or wapiti of North America and eastern parts of Asia has been considered a subspecies of the red deer, but has recently been identified as a separate species. Probably the ancestor of all red deer, including wapiti, came from Central Asia and resembled sika deer.
Although at one time red deer were rare in parts of Europe, they were never close to extinction. Reintroduction and conservation efforts in countries such as the UK and Portugal have resulted in an increase in deer populations, while other areas such as North Africa have continued to experience declines.
The red deer combines up to 28 subspecies, the representatives of which differ from each other in size, weight, color and some other features. Caucasian deer, European deer, maral, Crimean deer, Bukhara or tugai deer, wapiti, deer - all of them are subspecies of this animal.
This can be easily determined by such parameters as the animal's coat, which in summer does not have a spotted color, and the white spot under the tail is large and rises above the beginning of the tail. The noble deer has antlers with a large number of processes (as a rule, there are at least five of them), which form a kind of recognizable crown at the top of the antler.
Geographical coordinates of enclosure with red deer in Buiratau park: N51°16'47.26" E73°15'00.58"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.