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Mausoleum of Kylauyz.

Geographical coordinates of monuments in Kazakhstan.
“Wa-a, Baba Khorasan, arasan came,
For pilgrimage, if you ask why.
Bless my intention
Be kind, Baba Khorasan!”
Khoja Ahmed Yasavi.
Mausoleums in Kyzylkum desert.
Kylauyz Mausoleum dates back to the XIIth century, is located at an altitude of 161 meters above sea level, is located on the eastern edge of the Kyzylkum sands, 17.3 kilometers west of the left bank of the Syrdarya River, 15.3 kilometers south-west of the village named after Mashbek Nalibaev (Akzhol), 10.4 kilometers south-west of the village of Abdigappar , 6.7 kilometers northwest of the Tolegatay-baba complex, in the Zhanakorgan district of the Kyzylorda region.
Geographical coordinates of Kylauyz mausoleum: N43°47'05.25" E66°59'43.16"
Alexander Petrov.