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Aimak Dzhangaliev, researcher of Sivers apple tree.

Research on Sievers apple tree in Kazakhstan.
“In our mountains, trees grow together with early, late and intermediate periods of flowering and fruit ripening, with different lengths of the growing season, with small, large and medium-sized, white, yellow and pink fruits, tall, low and bushy crowns , differing in winter hardiness, immunity and yield. If the weight of the fruits of different forms of the Sievers apple tree varies from 10 to 100 or more grams, then they differ even more in taste. There are sweet, sour-sweet, sweet-sour, sour, sour-bitter and bittersweet.”
Aimak Dzhangaliev.
Homeland of domesticated apple tree is Southern Kazakhstan.
Aimak Dzhangalievich Dzhangaliev (08/15/1913-06/21/2009) - famous biologist, scientist, teacher, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, public figure, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, first director of the Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture, honorary professor at Cornell University, "Honored Scientist of Kazakhstan."
Born on August 15, 1913 in the village of Ashchisai, Dzhambeytinsky district, West Kazakhstan region. The great scientist lost his parents early; he was sent to the Kazakh regional experimental boarding school in Alma-Ata. Aimak's classmates were Abylkhan Kasteev, Kulyash Baiseitova, Kamal Karmysov, Leonid Goncharov...
Aimak Dzhangaliev graduated with honors from the fruit and vegetable department of the Agricultural Institute in Almaty. He worked as an agronomist in Southern Kazakhstan. At the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K. A Timiryazeva defended his Ph.D. thesis.
Here he met his future wife, who came from a noble family - Sofya Nikolaevna. When the war began, the young scientist had the opportunity to do his own thing, but he went to the front. After the war, Aimak Dzhangalievich and Sofya Nikolaevna got married.
According to Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Natalya OGAR, thanks to the perseverance of A. Dzhangaliev, unique apple forests were included in specially protected natural areas. They are located in the Almaty Nature Reserve, national parks - Ile-Alatau, Tarbagatai, Zhongar-Alatau.
Places of work and positions held by Aimak Dzhangaliev:
1930 - graduated from the Kazakh regional experimental boarding school in Alma-Ata. In 1935, he graduated from the Faculty of Horticulture of the Kazakh Agricultural Institute with a degree in agronomist.
1935 – 1938 - agronomist of the Turbat MTS, Karatsky district, South Kazakhstan region.
1938 – 1941 - postgraduate student at the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev in the department of selection and seed production of fruit and grape crops.
1941 - defended his thesis on the topic “Agrobiological characteristics and use of wild grapes in the Shymkent Karatau region.”
1941 - 1945 - fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. He graduated from the Gorky Anti-Aircraft Artillery School as an external student and participated in the air defense of Moscow. He was transferred from the Western Front to the Far Eastern Front, from where he was demobilized in the fall of 1945.
1946 – 1948 - Head of the fruit department of the Kazakh Institute of Agriculture named after. W. R. Williams.
since the 1950s - organizes expeditions to the Trans-Ili Alatau and Dzhungar Alatau to study the Sievers apple tree. To breed cultivated varieties, he collects the most selected species of wild apple trees. Dzhangaliev finds mountainous places where fruit-bearing apple trees grow, carries out selection work, and creates 15 reserves, which were, at his suggestion, secured by the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR. He collects an elite collection from apple trees collected in wild gardens.
1948 – 1953 - Director of the Kazakh Institute of Agriculture named after. W. R. Williams.
1953 – 1959 - Director of the Guryev State Agricultural Experimental Station in the village of Saraichik.
1959 – participation in a food exhibition in Delhi (India).
1967 - trip to the GDR.
1959 – 1970 - Director of the Kazakh Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture of the Ministry of Agriculture of the KazSSR.
1969 - defended his doctoral dissertation at the Botanical Institute. V. I. Komarov on the topic “Apple forests of the Trans-Ili and Dzhungar Alatau and the biological basis of their use.”
1962 – 1970 - Scientific Secretary of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, member of the Presidium. 1970 – 1980 - Head of the Department of Fruit and Forest Plants of the Main Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
1974 - participation in the international exhibition of folk achievements - “VDNKh” in Moscow, for the study of apple orchards in Kazakhstan, he was awarded a silver medal and an honorary diploma. Participation in international conferences, giving scientific reports.
1977 - Aimak Dzhangaliev’s monograph “Wild Apple Tree of Kazakhstan” is published.
1980 – 2006 - Head of the laboratory of the Research Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction.
1990 – 2009 - head of the laboratory of the Botanical Garden.
2006 - 2009 - Chief Researcher of the Laboratory for the Protection of the Gene Pool and Introduction of Fruit Plants of the Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction of the State Enterprise "Center for Biological Research" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Aimak Dzhangaliev is the author of more than 200 scientific articles and 8 monographs (“Gardening of Kazakhstan” (1963), “Fundamentals of breed-varietal zoning of fruit and berry crops and grapes in the Kazakh SSR” (1967), “Grape varieties of Kazakhstan” (1967 g.), “Varieties of fruit and berry crops of Kazakhstan” (1968), “Wild apple tree of Kazakhstan” (1977), “Wild fruit plants of Kazakhstan” (2001), “The wild apple tree of Kazakhstan” ( NewYork, 2003), “The wild fruit and nutplants of Kazakhstan” (2003)).
He trained 19 graduate students who defended their candidate's dissertations, and advised the scientific work of two doctors of science. The main scientific works are the biology of fruit trees in Kazakhstan, intended to preserve the gene pool of diversity and its effective use. A. Dzhangaliev studied the selection and genetics of fruit trees, systematized gardening and improved methods of growing fruit and grape trees.
A.D. Dzhangaliev obtained 27 apple clone varieties and 16 apricot clone varieties. They are protected by copyright certificates and patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are included in the State Register of Varieties of the country.
1. Patent No. 4 for the clone variety of common apricot “Soldatskiy ranniy”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
2. Patent No. 5 for the clone variety of common apricot “Early from Bugul-Bulak”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
3. Patent No. 6 for the clone variety of common apricot “Katyusha”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
4. Patent No. 7 for the clone variety of common apricot “Maloalmatinsky round”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
5. Patent No. 8 for the clone variety of common apricot “Record Bel-Bulak”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
6. Patent No. 9 for the clone variety of common apricot “Issyk stable”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
7. Patent No. 10 for the clone variety of common apricot “Giant Kotur-Bulak”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
8. Patent No. 11 for the clone variety of common apricot “Mikushinskaya turnip”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
9. Patent No. 12 for the clone variety of common apricot “Zailiysky vitamin”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006. July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
10. Patent No. 13 for the clone variety of common apricot “Beauty Kok Bas-Tau”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
11. Patent No. 14 for the clone variety of common apricot “Koturbulakskiy tender”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
2. Patent No. 15 for the clone variety of common apricot “Large-fruited ribbed”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
13. Patent No. 16 for the clone variety of common apricot “Orange Ball”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
4. Patent No. 17 for the clone variety of common apricot “Beauty of Dzungaria”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
15. Patent No. 18 for the clone variety of common apricot “Beauty of Dzungaria”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
16. Patent No. 19 for the clone variety of common apricot “Apricot Apple”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author T. N. Salova).
17. Patent No. 20 for the clone variety of the Nedzvetsky apple tree “Dzungarian large-seeded”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14.
8. Patent No. 21 for the clone variety of the Kyrgyz apple tree “Dzungarian large-fruited”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14
19. Patent No. 22 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Dzungarian tent-shaped”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006. July 14.
20. Patent No. 23 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Askar”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14.
21. Patent No. 24 for the clone variety of the Nedzvetsky apple tree “Asya”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14.
22. Patent No. 25 for the clone variety of the Kyrgyz apple tree “Dzungarian autumn-fruitful”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14.
23. Patent No. 26 for the clone variety of the Sivers apple tree “Ketmenskaya”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author R. M. Turekhanova).
24. Patent No. 27 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Urjar aromatic”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author R. M. Turekhanova).
25. Patent No. 28 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Urjar Beauty”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006. July 14. (Co-author R. M. Turekhanova).
26. Patent No. 29 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Rootstock from Tarbagatai”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author R. M. Turekhanova).
27. Patent No. 30 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Beauty of Tarbagatai”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author R. M. Turekhanova).
28. Patent No. 31 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Tarbagatai dwarf”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author R. M. Turekhanova).
29. Patent No. 32 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Tarbatayskaya”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author R. M. Turekhanova)
30. Patent No. 33 for the clone variety of the Nedzvetsky apple tree “Dzungarian purple”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author R. M. Turekhanova).
31. Patent No. 34 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Zailiyskaya Summer”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
32. Patent No. 35 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Zailiyskoe green-fruited”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
33. Patent No. 36 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Zailiyskoe medium-fruited”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
34. Patent No. 37 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Zailiyskoe early flowering”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
35. Patent No. 38 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Zailiyskaya”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
36. Patent No. 39 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Red-cheeked fir”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
37. Patent No. 40 for the clone variety of the Nedzvetsky apple tree “Dzhungarskaya rootstock”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
38. Patent No. 41 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Dzungarian yellow”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
39. Patent No. 42 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Dzungarian cider”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
40. Patent No. 43 for the clone variety of the Nedzvetsky apple tree “Dzhungarskaya”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
41. Patent No. 44 “Hybrid B-41”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14. (Co-author: T. N. Salova, R. M. Turekhanova).
42. Patent No. 45 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Dzungarian Red”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14.
43. Patent No. 46 for the clone variety of the Sievers apple tree “Zailiyskaya honey”. Intellectual property of Kazakhstan. 2006 July 14.
Awards and titles of Aimak Dzhangaliev.
Doctor of Biological Sciences (1969)
Professor (1990)
Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan (2003)
Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class.
Order of the Badge of Honor (1956)
9 medals.
Awarded two gold and three silver medals from VDNKh (1956 – 1960)
“Honored Scientist of Kazakhstan” (1961)
National Award “Shapagat” for active and fruitful work (2007)
On June 21, 2009, Aimak Dzhangalievich died.
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