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Almaty fruit canning plant.

Agritourism in Kazakhstan.
“Eat in moderation, not much, with a calm demeanor,
A wise, worthy husband told me this:
Who is greedy for food, grief will come to him:
The disease will certainly come to the glutton!”
Yusuf Balasaguni. Essay “Kutadgu bilig” (“Blessed knowledge”).
Food industry of Kazakhstan.
Fruit canning plant of Alma-Ata Regional Agricultural and Industrial Association of Ministry of Fruit and Vegetable Farming of Kazakh SSR was located on Zhandosov Street, 94, on right bank of Bolshaya Almatinka River in Kalininsky district (now Bostandyksky) in city of Alma-Ata.
The plant was founded by the USSR government in 1936. Special equipment for the plant came from all over the Soviet Union: from the Yerevan Hydraulic Pump Plant, the Moscow Yaroslavsky Plant, the Sumy Pump Plant, the Simferopol Machinery Plant and the Kuibyshev Prodmash Plant.
Specialists from the Odessa cannery and graduates of the Odessa Institute of Food Industry made a great contribution to the establishment and launch of production. In 1938, the plant produced products worth 936.5 thousand rubles, and by 1944 this figure increased 3 times.
In 1942, the plant was merged with the Simferopol Canning Factory named after Kirov, which was evacuated to Alma-Ata, and began producing canned meat and fruit and vegetables for the front. During the war, army soldiers and wounded soldiers required large amounts of vitamin C. The People's Commissariat of the Food Industry of the Kazakh SSR issued Order No. 112, which obligated the plant management to create a team for the construction of a rose hip processing workshop using a simplified technological scheme.
Three months later, the vitamin C processing plant was put into operation with a capacity of 120 million person-doses per season. The main workforce of the plant was women. For high performance during the war, 17 employees of the enterprise were awarded state awards.
The modern name (Fruit Canning Plant of the Alma-Ata Regional Agro-Industrial Association of the Ministry of Fruit and Vegetable Economy of the Kazakh SSR) began operating in 1974. The plant had workshops: tomato, fruit, halvich, for the production of canned vegetables, baby food, fruit and berry and others.
It produced canned vegetables and fruits, sunflower halva, mustard, jam, natural juices, jam and other types of products - about 80 items worth 18.5 million rubles per year (1982). In a short period of time, the plant turned into a large plant with a capacity of 3,000 thousand pounds of jam, marmalade, and canned food.
Progressive equipment and technologies were introduced at the plant. In 1982, the reconstruction of one of the leading workshops began - for processing tomatoes, the capacity of which was increased to 100 tons of products per day.
The total area of the plant was 13 hectares. In 1993, the plant was taken out of state ownership and transformed into a joint stock company. In 1997, he was declared bankrupt and ceased operations. In November 1999, the company was liquidated.
In 1998, the Raimbek Group company began construction of an enterprise for the production of juices under the Juicy brand on the basis of the Alma-Ata fruit canning plant, and is the owner of the Arzan supermarket chain.
In November 2008, the “Raimbek Group” placed its trading supermarket “Arzan” in most of the production workshops of the fruit canning plant. The remaining parts of the plant's production workshops house the Raimbek Group - Raimbek bottlers LLP.
Until 2010, it was planned to completely restore the Fruit Canning Plant, since there are opportunities on its territory to revive production. In the future, intensive development of the processing complex on the basis of the Fruit Canning Plant would allow the national food industry to almost completely replace imports.
Geographic coordinates of Almaty fruit canning plant: N43°13'16 E76°53'13
Photos by:
News portal "Express K". April 14, 2016.