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Serektas Mountains.

Trip to mountains in Kazakhstan.
“I am the one who is out of favor with fate, in disgrace,
I am a wanderer who lives with a dream of a halt,
Dry thorny bush that is blown by desert winds
We are driven among the sands into unknown distances.”
Baba Tahir. “Both heaven and earth...” End of X – XI centuries.
Mountain ranges of Almaty region.
Serektas Mountains are located at an altitude of 752 to 940 meters above sea level, located between Karakyr Mountains in west and low mountain ranges: Saganbek in east, Kazybek and Karashoki in northeast, 125 kilometers northwest of Almaty, 18 kilometers northeast of village of Karabastau, 51 kilometers to west and slightly north of village of Kurty in Zhambyl district of Almaty region.
The area of the Serektas Mountains is 122.9 square kilometers, the perimeter of the mountains reaches 47.1 kilometers. The Serektas Mountains stretch from southeast to northwest at a distance of 36 kilometers, the greatest width in the central part of the mountains reaches 14 kilometers.
The highest point in the mountains is Mount Serektas, 904 meters above sea level. The mountain is located in the central part of the mountain range and resembles a rocky ridge stretching 180 meters from north to south. The rock ridge slopes to the north, so the southern part is dominant.
On the western side of Mount Serektas there are two powerful rocky terraces, stretching from north to south. In the northwestern part of the mountain is the third highest mountain, Karakosshoki, 855.8 meters above sea level. In the southeastern part of the mountains there is the Agadyr tract with an artesian well, now lost.
There is also a perennial willow and a small reservoir. In the south-eastern part of Mount Serektas there are two springs, Kok-Bastau and Taldy-Bastau. In the northern part, in the Kyzyl-Sai valley, there is another spring, Taldy-Bastau. The western and northern border of the mountains is the seasonal, salty Ashchysu River.
Until recently, numerous livestock wintering grounds were located in the northern part of the mountains. In the western and northern parts of Mount Sarektas there are rock paintings from the Bronze Age; on the north side of Mount Serektas there is a sanctuary with numerous drawings of hunting scenes, wild and domestic animals, hidden from view by a large rose hip bush.
Geographic coordinates of Serektas Mountains: N43°55'06 E75°40'41
Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.