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Lake Muzkol Verkhnee.

Glacial lakes in Northern Tien-Shan mountains.
“A journey is a book. Only those who know how to read between the lines of observed life can read it. Anyone who is looking for the original, the exotic, who is in a “poetic” mood, inevitably falls into error, because in normal conditions of life he is looking for the abnormal.”
EM. Murzaev.
Tectonic lakes in Zailiskiy Alatau mountains.
Moraine, flowing, fresh lake Muzkol Verkhnee (Ice Lake translated from Kazakh) is located at an altitude of 3528 meters above sea level, located in upper reaches of right tributary of Kok-Bulak River, on northern slope of Zailiysky Alatau ridge, on territory of Almaty Nature Reserve, in Talgar district, in south of Almaty region.
The area of Lake Muzkol Verkhnee is 1953.83 square meters, the length of the coastline reaches 204.92 meters. The length of the lake from north to south is 84 meters, the greatest width in the central part is 30 meters. The main filling of the lake occurs from the eastern and central branches of the Grigoriev glacier located in the northern part of the lake.
The distance from the end of the central branch of the Grigoriev glacier to the lake is 791 meters, from the left (eastern) branch of the glacier 880 meters. A stream 716 meters long flows out of the lake and flows into the southern part of Lake Muzkol.
Lake Muzkol Verkhnee is of glacial-moraine origin, fed by glaciers.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Muzkol Verkhnee: N43°06'10 E77°28'53
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.