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Kroshka glacier in Zailiskiy Alatau.

Hiking on glacier in mountains Zailiskiy Alatau.
“If you walked along a level road, walked of your own free will and still retreated back, then it would be a lost cause; but since you are climbing a steep slope, so steep that from below you yourself seem to be hanging on it, then steps backward can only be caused by the peculiarities of the soil, and you should not despair.”
Franz Kafka. "Reflections on the True Path."
Routes for mountain tourists in Zailiskiy Alatau mountains.
Kroshka glacier is located at an altitude: upper boundary of glacier is 4684.3 meters above sea level (Aktau peak), end of glacier is 3325 meters above sea level, located in upper reaches of main river Middle Talgar and right tributary Right Talgar, on northwestern slope of Zailiysky ridge Alatau, on territory of Almaty Nature Reserve, in Talgar district, in south of Almaty region.
The area of the Kroshka glacier is 2013488.11 square kilometers, the perimeter is 7677.144 kilometers. The upper boundary of the glacier runs along the main ridge of the Zailiysky Alatau ridge. The length of the Kroshka glacier is 2.6 kilometers. The width in the southern part of the glacier is 1.5 kilometers.
The upper boundary of the Kroshka glacier stretches 770 meters along the main ridge of the Zailiysky Alatau ridge. In the western part of the upper border there is the Aktau peak, then the Aktyuz pass at an altitude of 4390 meters above sea level.
The glacier circus in the east is closed by the Trud peak, 4635 meters above sea level. Through the Kroshka glacier, mountain tourists and climbers, passing the Aktyuz pass, reach the Korzhenevsky glacier, which is located to the south and southeast of the pass.
The Grigoriev Glacier belongs to the basin of the Middle Talgar River; the right tributary of the Middle Talgar, the Right Talgar stream, 1 kilometer long, originates from the glacier. At the bottom of the glacier, on its moraine part, 540 meters northwest, there is a moraine lake.
Geographic coordinates of Kroshka glacier: N43°06'19 E77°18'38
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.