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Mynzhylky Dams.

Nature and attractions in mountains of Northern Tien-Shan.
"On May 29, the Kyrgyz who galloped into the city confirmed the rumor about the approaching streams of water. An unimaginable turmoil began. Thousands of people on horseback and on foot hastily left their homes, and they rushed like madmen, not understanding from what and where they were running. Most rushed to the lower part of Verny, not realizing that in the event of a flood, it would be the first to be flooded. After some time, realizing that no flood was expected, the fugitives began to return to their homes."
"The Earthquakes of May 28, 1887." Stone Dragon. V.S. Khromovskikh. Moscow, "Mysl", 1984.
Mudflow dams in Zailiysky Alatau.
Mynzhylky dam is located at an altitude of 3020 meters above sea level, in upper part of Malaya Almatinka River bed, on northern slope of Zailiysky Alatau ridge in Medeu district of Almaty. The dam, a damper for possible mudflows in the Malaya Almatinka River basin.
The dam was built according to the design of the Kazakh branch of the All-Union Scientific Research and Design and Survey Institute "Gydroproekt" named after S. Ya. Zhuk. The design length of the rock-earth dam was 300 meters, the maximum height was 17 meters, the width along the crest was 6 meters.
The design capacity of the mudflow receiver is 220,000 cubic meters. During the construction of the dam, it was planned to excavate 185,000 cubic meters of rock, 35,000 cubic meters of moraine deposits, and lay 6.5 thousand cubic meters of reinforced concrete.
In case of an emergency, the mudflow discharge of the dam is designed to release 25 meters of liquid mud and rock mass per second into the bowl of the mudflow protection dam in the "Medeu" valleey. Next to the dam is the Mynzhylky stationary, year-round, hydrometeorological station, which has been conducting its observations since 1936.
Geographic coordinates of Mynzhylky dam: N43 ° 05'03 E77 ° 04'41
Mudflow protection dam Mynzhylky, Hydrotechnical construction. 1981. No. 12.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.