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House-Museum of Abylkhan Kasteyev.

Visiting house-museums in Kazakhstan.
“Around the same time, only not in the village, but in Moscow, Kasteyev painted his self-portrait. A high-cheekboned, broad-faced guy looks at us from an oval frame. His lips are tightly closed, his eyes are wide open, his gaze is direct and intent. In some way, perhaps in its laconicism, perhaps in its manner, it resembles the portrait of Kusykbayev. But if there is shown worldly wisdom, then in this self-portrait the main thing is the artist’s youth, his persistence, self-confidence, steadfastness. Everything here is reliable and strong. The scarf is tightly wrapped, the coat is buttoned to the top, the hat sits loosely and tightly on the head, every turn of the astrakhan fur is carefully worked out, everything is solid and durable. And most of all, the man himself, looking from a grayish sheet of paper, is durable. Here Kasteyev is very similar to the one I met three years after this drawing near the Main Ditch. "
Yuri Dombrovsky. "Abylkhan Kasteyev - the first Kazakh artist". Collected Works in six volumes. Vol. 6. M., "Terra", 1992.
Excursion to house-museum of Abylkhan Kasteyev.
Memorial house-museum of Abylkhan Kasteyev is located at an altitude of 850 meters above sea level, is located on Bekkhozhin Street, 6A, 347 meters northeast of “Kazakhstan” Hotel, 77 meters from right bank of Malaya Almatinka River, in middle of streets: Karmysov, Bekkhozhin and Kurmangaliyev, in Medeu district of Almaty.
The museum is located in the house where he lived from 1958 to 1973. The house was built in 1955 for the family of A. Kasteyev. In 1966, the house was completely demolished and then rebuilt. In 2004, the family donated the artist's house to the state to create a memorial museum.
In 2014, the year of the 110th anniversary of the artist's birth, a memorial house-museum was opened. The opening ceremony of the museum was attended by the artist's family, friends, employees of the A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, and the akim of the Medeu district, Sultanbek Makezhanov.
The building is a one-story house from the mid-XXth century, built on the initiative of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR D.A. Kunayev in 1955 specifically for the large family of A. Kasteyev. In 1958, the artist and his family moved into this house.
In 1966, the previous house was completely demolished and another frame-reed house with an improved layout was built in its place, and in 1968 a workshop was added to it. The construction of the house was carried out according to the project of the chief architect of Alma-Ata N. Orazymbetov.
The house with a total area of 142.5 square meters has been preserved in its original form: a living room, three bedrooms, a workshop, a kitchen, a bathroom, a veranda, and a garden on the territory of the house. The museum exposition introduces visitors to the most famous paintings and graphic works created by A. Kasteev.
The artist's paintings in the museum are presented by copies. You can see the famous "Portrait of Amangeldy", "Turksib", "Talas River", "Portrait of Kenesary". The collection also includes rich historical and biographical material - photographs, documents, newsreels and personal belongings of the artist.
Of particular interest is the studio-workshop of A. Kasteev, recreated with the help of authentic exhibits, where the master worked for many years. Many items have been preserved in Kasteev's house, such as: a pestle, a coal iron, a yellow samovar and others.
Address of house-museum of Abylkhan Kasteyev:
050010, Almaty, Bekkhozhin street, 6A,
Open for visitors:
Tuesday from 10.00 to 17.00
Wednesday from 10.00 to 17.00
Thursday from 10.00 to 16.00
+7 (727) 291‒89‒08
Geographical coordinates of house-museum of Abylkhan Kasteyev: N43°14'50 E76°57'37