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Excursion in Almaty.

Excursion and walks on historical monuments of Almaty.
“Blind can go round all world and to notice nothing”
Thomas Karlejl.
Season: year round.
Durationof the excursion: 8 hours.
Advanced reservation: for 48 hours.
Detailed program of an excursion trip in Almaty:
Central Asia Tours and Travels.
Excursion across Almaty. Visiting of national historical museum, visiting of "Gold" room Saka, in this museum is gold Sakas which have been found at excavation of burial place of the Gold person on Issyk burial mound. After visiting museum of history visiting of the area of Republic on which is stela Independence of Republic Kazakhstan with stone sculpture of the Gold person.
Visiting of park 28 guardsmen-panfilovsev, visiting Cathedral of the Ascension of architect Andrey Zenkova, visiting of memorial of Glory and eternal fire, visiting of museum of musical instruments.
Excursion on mountain the Kok-Tobe.
Transfer to Cable way town station «Kok-Tobe» at palace of Republic. Rise on Cable way on mountain the Kok-Tobe of 1130 meters above sea level 1,7 km, 5 minutes. Walk in vicinities of mountain the Kok-Tobe. From viewing platform which is, on northwest part of mountain the kind on town Almaty from height of the bird's flight opens.
Visiting on mountain the Kok-Tobe: zoo (birds of prey, pheasants, peacocks, deers, llamas both other animals and birds), monument to group "The Beatles", shop of souvenirs, art gallery. Descent from mountain the Kok-Tobe on bus station.
Transfer to valley Medeo, walk to vicinities of skating rink Medeo. Returning in town. Sightseeing tour on town.
Short information on the town of Almaty.
In genuez merchants’ notes, which are dated by VII - X centuries, were mentioned some settlements in the valley of Seven rivers. The historians suggest that one of these settlements was called as Almatu and was the crossing post on the Silk Road. In the notes of chroniclers the name “Almatu” may be read as Almalyk.
The kazakhs of Dulat kin of the Starshyi (Older) Dzhuz settled Almaty in the end of XVI century. In 1854 February 4 the Russian military fortification “Zailiskoye” was built on the place of destroyed kazakh settlement Almaty, which was then renamed in Vernoye, and in 1867 got the status of the city.
The origin of Vernoye linked with consumation of voluntary joining to Russia. In 1921 February 5 Vernyi town was renamed in Almaty. Cossacks, peasant settlers from European Russia, and Tatar merchants soon established themselves in the vicinity, and in 1867 the fortification became the town of Verny and the administrative center of newly created Semirechye province of the governorate general of Turkistan. By 1906 the population of Almaty town had grown to 27,000, two-thirds of whom were Russians and Ukrainians.
Soviet rule was established in 1918. In 1921 the city was renamed Alma-Ata, after its Kazakh name, Almaty (literally “Father of Apples”), alluding to the many apple trees in the locality. The transfer of Kazakh capital from Kzyl-Orda to Alma-Ata city in 1929 and the completion of the Turk-Sib Railway in 1930 brought rapid growth.
The population of Alma-Ata city rose from 46,000 in 1926 to 221,000 in 1939. A number of food and light industry undertakings were built, and heavy industry, particularly machine building, developed later on the basis of plants evacuated from European Russia during World War II in Alma-Ata.
The author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author petrovsra@mail.ru
Alexander Petrov