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Museum in Aktau.

Tours anf excursion to museum in Aktau.
“Nature is wise. You can learn everywhere and from everything”
Leonardo da Vinci.
Adventure tours in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
The study of local lore museum of the town of Aktau is based in 1975, its collection on history, archeology, ethnography, to the nature and culture of edge total more than 50 thousand exhibits, best of which are presented in exposition halls of the nature, archeology, history and ethnography, modern history.
In a hall of geology fine diopamas, maps, diopamas tell about a geological epoch, minerals, paleontology Mangistau. For display of fauna and flora of Caspian sea there is a special hall which on uniqueness and diversity exhibits has no to itself analogues in Kazakhstan.
In halls of the nature it is possible to receive the rich information on fauna, ornithology of edge, on flora other natural objects. The paleontologic collections transferred in the first years of searches of minerals on Mangyshlak are stored in funds of a museum, giving a geological picture of last our edge also.
The hall of archeology tells about history Mangistau since a paleolith till XVIII century of our era. The archeologist A. G. Medoev has defined a lot of paleolithic cultures in territory of Mangyshlak, earliest of which is defined in 2 million years.
Stone sculptures of Ustyurt from sanctuaries of early nomads - unique monuments of the early Iron Age. The hall of history reflects a social and economic and political life of Mangyshlak in XIX century and the Fort-Aleksandrovsk constructed by Russian immigrants has historical data on the first fortress.
The museum is located to the address of: the city of Aktau, 9 microdistrict, the house 23 "and", a building «Delta of Bank», phone 42 66 15.
Andrey Astafyev, Aktau town.
Alexander Petrov.