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Astana Opera.

Visiting theatres of Astana.
“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody”
Jane Jacobs.
Tips of individual tour in Kazakhstan.
Opera and Ballet Theatre with the sonorous name "Astana Opera" is located on the left side of theIshim River in Astana. The theatre wonders people not only with majestic building and beautiful halls, but also with a magnificent performed repertoire by talented troupe.
"Astana Opera" was founded in 2013 by initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. During his speech at the opening ceremony of the theatre, the Head of State said: "Country, which builds factories and roads create a firm support for many years. A country that builds schools and hospitals, care about the future of the nation for decades. A country that buildstheatres looks through the centuries ahead ...".
Theatre inaugurated first season with a great creation of M. Tulebaev - opera "Bіrzhan- Sara" on 21 June 2013. The opera "Bіrzhan-Sara" presents vividly embodied musical-poetic tradition – aitys, which gives a unique genius musical compositions. "Bіrzhan - Sara", almost 70 years passed after creation, is an example of inexhaustible artistic power that born in the synthesis of national and universal, cultural - poetic experience.
The world premiere of the "Astana Opera" theatre was in the autumn of that year. It presented "Attila" opera by J. Verdi to the world community. Opera and Ballet Theatre "Astana Opera" is one of the most beautiful theatres in the world. Its architectural magnificence amazes and gives an opportunity to look back many thousands of years,and to plunge into the antiquity atmosphere.
Architectural perfection of the theatre does notconcede the famous opera theatres of the world such as the "La Scala" in Milan, the Royal Theatre in Madrid, the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, the Metropolitan Opera in New York and others.
The theatre is situated nearly on 9 hectares. The area of the building is 64 thousand square meters. A scenic area occupies about 3,000 square meters. "Astana оpera" theatre amazes not only withscopes, but also with architectural elegance. It was built according to the best classical traditions ofthe world architecture. In addition, the architecture of the theatre is emphasized on the Kazakh national flavor.
"Astana Opera" is the third largest opera theatre in the world. It was built by masters from Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Czech Republic. It was created according to the latest technology. It allowsperforming any complex performances on the scene. The lobby, foyer, auditoriums and main stageare performed in the style of high classicism. The main hall of the theater has 1250 seats.
Technical capabilities of "Astana Opera" theatre concedes some world theatres. All rooms of the theatre including auxiliaries (backstage, various workshops, numerous rehearsal rooms) and all other things make effective theatrical mechanisms, and meets international standards.
There are two side pockets and backstage near the central scene. Decorations are collected in a large space of backstage, where provides previous assembly. The dimensions of the scene allow to use it together with a few prepared decorations.
Thus, machinery enables to prepare it for a theatrical performance (opera, ballet, plays, concerts) till the three stage decorations except those on the scene. Decorations move from one platform to another by the help of furok, which makes a quick change of the stage.
The orchestra pit is designed for 120 musicians, and if necessary the scene can be extended.
Chamber hall of the theatre accommodates 250 people. It is designed for chamber music concerts, performances of various ensembles, chamber choir, small symphony orchestra and others. Leading experts from Italy and Germany worked over acoustics, and as a result, it achieved unique sound characteristics in all halls of the theatre. Today, everything is done for ensuring the creative updatesof the theatre in order not to concede the magnificence of architecture.
Stages of the "Astana Opera" theatre are adorned by masterpieces of opera and ballet classics, and modern performances of excellent masters. The first season of the theatre premiered ballets such as"Sleeping Beauty" by P.Tchaikovsky (staged by the world renown choreographer - Yuri Grigorovich)and "Romeo, Juliet" by Prokofiev (staged by the famous French choreographer – Sh.Zhyuda) and"Rodin" modern ballet by the famous Russian choreographer Boris Eifman.
In addition, the first season of theatre staged joint performances with European teams, such as the Rome Opera, La Scala, the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, Mariinsky Theatre, Opera Bordeaux, Boris Eifman Ballet Theatre.
The theatre has already opened children's drama school, where young artists learn theatrical skills by preparing for performances on the magnificent stage of "Astana Opera" in the future.
«The guidebook on Akmola areas». The edition of department on tourism and sports Akmola of area. http://culturemap.kz
Alexander Petrov.