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Terekty Auliye petroglyphs.

Petroglyphs of Ulytau mountains.
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior”
Trip to Terekty petroglyphs in Ulytau.
Petroglyphs of Terekty Aulie are located northeast of the Terekty necropolis, in the southern part of the low Terekti mountains, 11.5 kilometers north and slightly west of the Karaganda - Zhezkazgan highway, 16.8 kilometers north and slightly west of the Terekty village, 81, 6 kilometers northeast of the city of Zhezkazgan, in the Ulytau district of the Karaganda region.
The petroglyphs of Terekty Aulie are located on the tops of three granite hills stretched in a chain from west to east. The stones are carved with images of animals that can be attributed to the Saka animal style. In general, the petroglyphs of the Terekty sanctuary belong to the Bronze Age (III - I millennium BC), the Early Iron Age (IX century BC - III century AD) and the Middle Ages.
Among the petroglyphs of Terekty Auliye, the image of a horse dominates, and there are also images of two-humped Bactrians, bulls, goats, deer, snakes, a feline predator and parokonny chariots. A special category is made up of images of symbolic signs - holes of various sizes, cup-shaped recesses that served as a place of sacrifices, and geometric figures.
The first scientific description of Terekty Aulie in the 40s of the XX century was given by the head of the Central Kazakhstan archaeological expedition, academician A.Kh. Margulan. In 1951 A.Kh. Margulan re-examined the petroglyphs of Terekty Aulie.
Comprehensive studies of the petroglyphs of Terekty Aulie, the Taldysai settlement and the Bronze Age burial ground Aybas Darasy, in 2000-2004, together with famous archaeologists of Kazakhstan, were carried out by scientists from Canada and Italy.
A comprehensive study of the archaeological site was carried out in 1990 by an archaeological expedition led by Z.S. Samasheva.
Geographic coordinates of the petroglyphs of Terekty Aulie: N48 ° 12'45.10 "E68 ° 36'50.08"
Guide to Kazakhstan. Published by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.