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Exclusive tours from pass Torugart to Son-Kol lake.

Meeting of tourists on a checkpoint on Kyrgyz-China to border.
“What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies”
Jack Kerouac, «On the Road».
Short description of a route of tour from a checkpoint «Torugart» in town of Bishkek:
Check point «Torugart» - lake Chatyr-Kul of 3530 meters above sea level - pass Tuzbel of 3555 meters above sea level - pass Akbeit of 3282 meters above sea level - caravanserai Tash-Rabat of 3500 meters above sea level - settlement Baetovo - pass Moldo-Ashuu 3201 meters above sea level - lake Son-Kol 3016 meters above sea level - pass Kalmak-Ashuu of 3447 meters above sea level - settlement Kochkorka - town - Bishkek.
Duration of route: 583 km.
Season: May - September.
Best time for travel: June - August.
Duration of tour: 4 days, 3 nights.
Detailed description of round from caravanserai Tash-Rabt on lake the Song-Kol in town of Bishkek:
Tours and walks in Kyrgyzstan.
Day 1. Check-Point «Torugart» - lake Chatyr-Kul - pass Tuzbel - pass Akbeit - caravanserai Tash-Rabat (110 km).
Meeting on a check point «Torugart». Transfer: checkpoint «Torugart» - natural boundary Tash-Rabat. Our way lays through valley A-Sai named “North Pole the Central Asia” or the coldest place of Kyrgyzstan, during winter time the temperature here can reach 56.6 degrees.
A caravan-serai Tahs-Rabat (260 km) (XV century) - a monument of ancient architecture on the Great Silk Way from Kyrgyzstan to China, here dealers stopped, waited bad weather, had a rest, restored forces and continued the further hard way. Arrival in natural boundary Tash-Rabat, accommodation in yurt camp, overnight.
Day 2. Caravan-serai Tash-Rabat - settlement Baetovo - pass Moldo-Ashuu - lake Son-Kol (270 km).
Breakfast. The road to pass Moldo-Ashuu rises on streamers, rise on pass steep rise. From pass the fine kind on gorges, high mountains with glaciers, slopes tien-shan fur-trees opens. Here often there is a fog, not always it is possible to see all around. On a way visiting of mausoleum Tailyk-batyr which is before settlement Dzhangi-Talap. Arrival on lake Son-Kol, accommodation in yurt camp, overnight in yurt.
3 Day. Lake Son-Kol.
Breakfast. High-mountainous jailoo in vicinities of lake Son-Kol for the Kirghiz shepherd the best. Here for the summer drive the herds of horses, herds cattle and flocks of sheeps many shepherds Naryn of area.
Foot walk on coast of high-mountainous lake, trip to stones Manas (Tash-Tulgasy), visiting yurts the Kirghiz shepherds, acquaintance to nomadic life of the Kirghiz shepherds.
In second half of day horses riding on slopes of ridge It Baur-Ala-Bas up to height 3500 - 3600 meters above sea level, the majestic panorama of lake with yurts shepherds around of it both grazed herds of sheeps and herds of horses whence opens. In second half of day walk on horses in vicinity of mountains towering above lake Son-Kol, photographing of panorama on lake. Returning in yurts camp, overnight.
4 Day. Lake Son-Kol - pass Kalmak-Ashuu of 3447 meters above sea level - settlement Kochkorka - Bishkek (315 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: lake Son-Kol - pass Kalmak-Ashuu (37 km). Stop on pass Kalma-Ashuu, walks in vicinities, photographing. Descent from pass in valley of the river Telek.
Transfer: pass Kalmak-Ashuu - Kochkorka settlement (80 km). Arrival in settlement Kochkora, visiting of craft workshop in settlement, visit of museum of an applied art, we can take part in creation of felt carpets "Ala-Kiiz" (The Motley carpet), walk on local market.
Transfer: Kochkorka village – Bishkek (198 km). After settlement Kochkorka there where the road rises in mountains, we see large water basin Issyk-Kul of hollow - Orto-Tokoi. Soon we see the river Chu and the road gradually will start to go deep at gorge Boom, after the big settlement Kemin the gorge extends.
Well-known Chu the valley which reaches up to Kazakhstan sand Moyunkum from here begins. In valley there are many archeologic and historical monuments of site of the Silk way of Kyrgyzstan. Arrival in Bishkek, transfer to hotel, accommodation overnight.
The checkpoint «Torugart» on the Kyrgyz-Chinese border works from Monday till Friday, from 09.00 till . A lunch of customs and boundary service from 12.00 till (time local).
We ask to pay your attention!
A necessary and obligatory condition for crossing by tourists Kyrgyz-Chinese border, is, a meeting of tourists the Kyrgyz tourist company.
On a way on pass Torugart it is possible to visit other interesting architectural and natural monuments of Kyrgyzstan:
- to make one-day walk in natural boundary Tash-Rabat on pass Tash-Rabat of 3964 meters above sea level from which the kind on lake Chatyr-Kul on 3530 meters above sea level opens,
- lake Song-Kul 3016 meters above sea level (on lake Song-Kul accommodation in yurts camps),
- hiking and walks on horses in vicinities of lake Song-Kul,
- ruins of site of ancient settlement Ak-Beshim, near to Bishkek.
Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from sanction of author .
Photos by
Alexander Petrov