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Lakes in Kyrgyzstan.

Travel on mountain lakes of Kyrgyzstan.
«A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature»
Henry David Thoreau.
Tour to mountains lakes Naryn province.
In the Republic of Kyrgyzstan there are 1932 lakes and artificial reservoirs. The largest of them is Issyk-Kul lake, area of 6.2 thousand square kilometers, maximum depth up to 22 meters, the Chatyr-Kul lake area of 0.2 thousand square kilometers, maximum depth to 20.4 meters.
About 90% of them are high-altitude dams and closed lakes. Sary-Chelek is located on the southwest slope of Chatkal ridge, at altitude 1873,9 meters above sea level, and is a biosphere reserve.
Issyk-Kul lake is located in Tien Shan mountains, at the bottom of the huge tectonic depression, 1606 meters above sea level. The lake is surrounded by mountains Terskey-Ala-too in the South and Kungei Ala-Too in the North, lake Issyk-Kul is different from other lakes on geographical, climatic and hydrological conditions.
The shape of the lake resembles a trapezoid, inverted base to the North. According to recent studies, the lake is 178 km, width - 60,1 km; area - 6236 km.2 length of coastline - 688 km, maximum depth is 669 km, average depth - 278,4 m.
Lake is incredibly beautiful. For this reason it is called "Pearl of Kyrgyzstan". Greater transparency and bright sun change the color of the water of lake Issyk-Kul from pale blue to dark blue tones.
In winter the water temperature is 4.2°C + 5,0°C. In July and August, the upper layers of water are heated to + 18°To + 24°C. Kyrgyzstan is one of the biggest regions where the system of modern mountain glaciers, their total area is 8100 sq km or 4.2% of the territory of Republic.
The Guidebook across Kyrgyzstan.