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Torysh valley.

Tour of a safari on jeeps across Mangyshlak.
“Nature will tell you a direct lie if she can”
Charles Darwin.
Trip to Torysh valley on Mangyshlak.
The Torysh (Torys) valley is located in the northwestern tip of the Western Karatau mountains in the south of the Altynkazgan valley, 20.2 kilometers to the east and slightly south of the Taushyk village, 16 kilometers northwest of the Zhyngyldy village in the Tupkaragan district of the Mangistau region.
North valley Torysh in the latitudinal direction stretches the mountain range North of Aktau. Along the Karatau mountains bare three layers with nodules. Exposure of the nodules to stretch both sides of the mountains over hundreds of kilometers, giving individuality to the local landscape.
Where the formation is destroyed in a vertical position is formed long ridges of varied size stones. Where the reservoir is destroyed horizontally, nodules were found in fields, forming intricate piles of balls, eggs, mushrooms, UFOs, cylinders, nesting dolls and animals. Such a field fads, there is in the area of Toysh.
The wind and rain, frost and heat split, hull, cover with mesh fancy cracks these geological formations. Sharp eyes can catch here fossils of bygone ocean life – core bivalves, snails and Ammonites.
The time of origin is 180 – 120 million years ago, geological era – the Mesozoic, period Jurassic, and lower Cretaceous. Concretion – from the Latin word concretio – accretion and thickening. This septarian nodules, mineral rounded form in sedimentary rocks.
Centres such concretions may be grains of minerals, shells, teeth and bones of fish, the remains of plants. The geologists are no clear opinion about the process that created them. According to the latest version of our Aktau geologist-Geophysics Gennadiy Tarasenko, their origin is connected with the discharges in the earth's crust and mantle, in areas of active tectonic faults.
On them are real underground lightning with a length of tens of kilometers. At the end of a line of lightning occur rotating fireballs. They are responsible for the formation of concretions for example silt of the ocean around the magnetized cores – dead organisms, fallen in the mud.
Geographic coordinates of the Torysh valley: N44 ° 19'21.98 "E51 ° 35'57.11"
Geological aspects of new energy Gennadiy Tarasenko G.V.1, 1.Aktau. S.Esenova, Institute of oil and gas, 130000 Kazakhstan, Актау, 14 microdistrict, h.50.phone 8 (3292), 429167, 87014207046. Andrei Astafyev, Akatau town. Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.