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Lake Kara-Kol.

Salty lakes of Kyrgyzstan.
«Painting argues and competes with the nature»
Leonardo da Vinci.
Equestrian tourism in Kyrgyzstan.
The salty lake the Kara-Kol is in vicinities of lake Issyk Kul in its southwest part in 388 meters from southern coast of lake Issyk Kul. The lake is, among two gulfs of lake Issyk-Kul, from the western part gulf Ordo Uchar, from east party an anonymous gulf.
On concentration salt lake surpasses all salty reservoirs of Kyrgyzstan. The lake is in 73 kilometers from the city of Balykchi, from the south the lake is closed with mountains Terskeyi Ala-Too.
The lake has identical height with lake Issyk-Kul - 1609 meters above sea level. From highway Balykchi - Karakol laid on a southern extremity of lake Issyk Kul up to lake the Kara-Kel of 11 kilometers.
Length of a coastal line of lake of 1500 meters, the greatest depth - 11 meters. The area of a water mirror of 86 hectare. Concentration salt in water reaches 65 gr/l (on other data - 132 gr/l). Due to high density of water in him it is impossible to sink.
Structure of water in lake compare to structure of water in the well-known Dead Sea in Israel. High concentration salt helps to cure many illnesses, such as psoriasis and other skin diseases, gynecologic illnesses, diseases of the musculoskeletal.
Along coast were formed silts dirts which are long since used for the therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. From a bottom of lake it is easily possible to get three kinds silts dirts - black, blue and green.
The Black dirt cures illnesses of the musculoskeletal, the blue dirt - various illnesses of a leather, and also is used for masks for the person, the green dirt serves for treatment of gynecologic diseases.
Alexander Petrov, http://www.kyrgyzstantravel.info
Alexander Petrov.