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Mountain Ulken keme on Boszhira.

Combined Tours Along Mangyshalk.
“Thought is invisible nature”
Heinrich Heine.
Cheap travel to Mangyshalk.
The mountain-stack Ulken keme is located in the valley Boszhira, 816 meters east and slightly north of the Zhogarly plateau, 850 meters south-west of the Borly tau mountain, 716 meters north and slightly west of the Soltustik Azu tisteri remnant in the Karakiyan district of Mangistau region.
The height of the outlier is about 240 meters above sea level, on all sides, with the exception of the cofferdam, which adjoins the outlier from the north-western side and from where a walking trail leads, there are vertical and dizzying precipices.
On the southern side, the outlier has the narrowest part of the cliff, only about 10 meters wide and 48 meters long, from here magnificent and stunning views of Oynak Boszhira and Azu tisteri open. The total length of the outlier from the south-west to the north-west is 301 meters, the greatest width in the northern part is 126 meters.
The southern part is flatter, there is a path leading from the bridge to the top. From anywhere to look at Ulken keme, it is not noticeable and does not stand out at all against the background of the Azu Tisteri remnants, but inexpressible emotions arise in the traveler when he climbs this colossal elevation, which dominates the Boszhira valley.
The path to the Ulken keme panoramic platform enhances and saturates the emotional background of a person who wants to see natural unique landscapes from a bird's eye view. The gusty wind complements the emotions and makes them unforgettable.
The eastern, western and southern vertical walls of the outlier make it impregnable and inaccessible, but so simply it opens the way to itself from the northern side.
Geographic coordinates of Ulken keme stack: N43 ° 25'24.75 "E54 ° 04'14.15"
The text and photos
Alexander Petrov..