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Photo palace Emir of Bukhara Prokudin-Gorsky.

The combined excursions across Bukhara.
“acquainted the assembly with his work on color photography conducted in the course of the last three years in Berlin at the laboratory of Professor Miethe and in St. Petersburg. Then the lecturer showed about 70 slides which he had made abroad and here in Russia. Among them were views, extremely varied in color and content, of such places as Dagestan and the Caucasus, autumn views of Finland, winter scenes, genre pictures, sunrise effects, and others. The pictures were striking in the fidelity of the bright colors of nature, and they elicited lengthy unceasing applause and shouts of approbation among those present”
Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky.
Retail therapy in Bukhara.
On this page Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky country house of Bukhara emir (The Palace in country are presented to a garden of Emir Shir-Budun) which he has photographed in 1907 of XX century during a trip to Turkestan.
In December 1906, Prokudin-Gorsky first time you went to Turkestan: for photographing the solar Eclipse of January 14, 1907 in the mountains Alai (Pamir) near the metro Cherneevo (now avast) over the Sulukta mines.
Although the blackout failed to capture because of cloud cover, in January 1907, Prokudin-Gorsky did a lot of color images of Samarkand and Bukhara.
The note:
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