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Baths Anush khan in Khiva.

The basic places of interest of Khiva.
"Where it is warm, There and good"
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Khamommy - baths of east city - have deep historical traditions on technological, volumetric-spatial and designing to construction. Khamommy represent special interest for history of architecture of Khiva as are a monument of architecture of similar purpose.
To such baths, baths in Khiva, constructed concern at Abulgazi-khan in 1657. It is the earliest monument of civil architecture of similar purpose and consequently he represents special value for history of architecture of Khiva.
In territory of old city of Khiva (Ichang-Кала) which represents a unique monument of history and architecture, the interesting construction - baths of Anush-khan was saved. The monument is known in people under the name of a bath of Anush-khan. In him all premises are profound in the ground, domes are outside visible only to that was provided thermal protection walls.
Having gone down on small dancers downwards we get in the first premise served by vacation spot and a locker room, then through a suite of halls, in each of which the temperature gradually raises, we get in central where there was an ablution. Around of the central hall subsidiary premises of different purpose settle down some.
Heating of a bath was carried out by system of the smoke channels located under a floor, water was taken from a well located near of a boiler-house. According to historians, baths have been constructed approximately in 1657 - 1664 by Abdulgazi-khan in honour of its son of Anush-khan.
East baths of the Middle Ages (and baths of Anush-khan) consisted of a lobby, rooms for changing room and rooms for washing. In baths of Anush-khan the heating system which helped to save heat has been arranged underground, also has been organized unique for time heating and sewer systems.
Till now to Ichang-Kala it is possible to see this construction shipped in the ground which existence specify domes only rising above the ground.
«Khiva city and legends» the tourist guidebook across Khiva.