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Matniyaz Divan-begi Madrasah.

Tours over histories of architecture of Uzbekistan.
"They rage in the cells, mosques and churches
Hope to enter heaven and fear before hell.
Only the one who understood the secret of the world,
The juice of these weeds is all dry and withered. ”
Omar Khayyam.
Popular destinations Khiva.
Being the Minister of Finance of the Khan of Khiva Muhammad Niyaz (in a local dialect Matniyaz) Divanbegi built in 1871 in the central part of Ichan-Qala a madrassah and near it the covered market Chorsu.
Madrasah Matniyaz Divanbegi is located near Mohammed Aminkhan madrasah. By its central facade it is opened to the west, the area in front of it landscaped. From the northern side from the madrassah there passes the central street of Ichan-Qala, from the south adjoins the newly constructed building of catering outlet of the restaurant "Khiva" located within the building of madrassah, from the southeast adjoins the mausoleum of Sayid Alauddin.
The madrassah in the structure (except for the part behind the portal) one-storeyed, has 21 cells, rooms of darskhana (audiences) and a winter mosque. In the period of activity of the madrassah there also was housed a library for students of the madrassah.
Out of 21 hujras madrasah 19 were placed on the first floor, the remained two hujras were on the second floor behind the entrance portal. Entrance to madrassah is across a small three-domed mionsaray (lobby).
Madrasah traditionally in its structure on its four corners is flanked by angular towers - guldasta. Side facade in the north furnished a shallow arcade remaining facades other than the central - blind (ie without arches).
The main decorations are made on the central facade of the madrassah in the portal side, in the form of majolica tiles with floral patterns "islimi", the same patterns, only carved, available on the bivalve entrance door.
On a marble slab set in the cartouche above the entrance door there is an inscription in Arabic font. In the period of activity of the madrassah there studied 42 students. Madrasah Matniyaz Divan-begi since 1979, as a restaurant, along with a madrassah Mohammad Aminkhan as a tourist hotel made up the tourist complex "Khiva", adapted to serve domestic and foreign tourists.
Overall dimensions of the madrassah: 36.4 m. in length and 31.8 m. in width. The courtyard of the madrassah has 21 m. in length and 17 m.in width.