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Kalta-Minor Minaret in Khiva.

Tours over architectural monuments of Khiva.
“Currently Urgench abandoned. There is the tomb of the sheikh martyr Najm al-Din Kubra and hazret khoja ‘Azizkhan and his mystery be consecrated! Another city is Raml. It was founded by Ibn Pooh himself, peace be upon him! like the ark of his father ... Today he is known as Khivak"
Historian Hudaiberdi ibn Koshmuhammad Khivaki “Dil Gara’ib”, “Heart of Rarities”.
Small detour from Nukus to Khiva.
Kalta Minar minaret (short) was conceived as the largest in the Muslim East (base diameter - 2.14 m). The plan height of the minaret was 70 - 80 meters and the diameter would decrease sharply with altitude, which would make it more durable minaret.
But construction stopped at a height of 29 m. According to the historian of Khiva Muniz, the building was not finished because of the death of Khan in 1855.
A legend tells that the Emir of Bukhara, learning about the unique construction of the minaret in Khiva, wanted to build the same in Bukhara, and agreed with the master that he would do it as soon as finished in Khiva.
Khan of Khiva, learning of this, gave orders to kill the wizard as soon as he finishes the construction. Then came the news and to master, and he fled, leaving the unfinished minaret. The minaret is known precisely because of its incompleteness, as well as its unique decor (Kalta Minar - the only minaret, entirely covered with glazed tiles and majolica).
Unfinished Kalta-minor (short tower) is located in front of the facade of the madrasah.
It was once considered to be the highest minaret of the Muslim East. The legend tells the Bukhara khan competing with the Khiva khan by building the Kalyan minaret in Bukhara. Kalta-minor's foundation diameter is 14 m., and the height of the tower is 26 m.
Not only the grandiosity of the plan but also the unusual decor is impressive. The ornamental cylindrical belts completely cover the shaft of the minaret. The wonderful skills of the Khorezm architects who created these decorative belts of green, turquoise, blue and white plates are on full here.
It was hoped that Kalta-minar would surpass all other monumental structures in its magnificence, but history had it on its own way. Yet even this unfinished part of the minaret enraptures with its audacity of plan and variety of patterns.
«Khiva city and legends» the tourist guidebook across Khiva”.
Alexander Petrov.