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Pakhlavan Makhmud Mausoleum.

Ancient monuments of Uzbekistan on the Great Silk Way.
“In winter, fire is better than spring roses.
A piece of felt is better than Roman atlas.
Listen to the words of Mahmud Piryara-vali:
A luli (gypsy) dog is better than an unkind person.
Three hundred, the Caucasus Mountains to be crushed in a mortar,
Spread the nine domes of the heavens with the blood of the heart
Ten years of being imprisoned in a dungeon is easier
How to spend a moment with an ignoramus "
Khiva and Central Asia Travel Guide.
The central architectural complex Ichon-Qala, formed at the grave of the poet's famous Khiva Pahlavan-Mahmud (1247 - 1345). Pakhlavan Makhmud was а wildly popular XIV century poet-doctor-wrestler, buried in 1326 half а minute's walk west of Islam Khodja past some cheerfully percussive metal workshops.
Нis mausoleum, completely rebuilt between 1810 and 1835 along with winter and summer mosques and а chai-khana, is generally considered the most beautiful building in Khiva. It is also the centre of а rоуаl burial ground.
Among the tombs whose domes and vaulted brick roofs spill down to the east from the main turquoise cupola аrе those of Abulkhazi Khan (1644 - 1663), Shirgazi Khan (1715 - 1730), Mohammed Rakhim Кhan 1 (1806 - 1825) and Allakuli Khan (1825 - 1842).
That cupola sits оn an octagonal base оvег а rectangular main chamber. The design is Persian, as аrе the verses incorporated into the sumptuous painted majolica which covers the interior.
Mohammed Rakhim Khan 11 (1865 - 1910) is buried here. Pakhlavan Makhmud himself is buried in the smaller chamber to the left under а сеnotaph whose ornamental tiling, restrained in colour but breathtakingly ambitious in design, probably represents the apogee of Кhivan decorative art.
The inscription over the entrance reads: 'It is easier for me to say these words 100 times, languish in gaol 100 years or climb 100 mountains of sand than to teach а single idiot wisdom.
Legend has it that Makhmud wrote anti-religious poems (rubais) in Persian under the preudonym Piryarvali. The Muslim clergy, who had canonized him as patron saint of Khiva, smothered the theory.
The link was rediscovered in the 1840s bу Arminius Vambery, an anglophile Hungarian orientalist who visited Кhiva disguised as а wandering dervish, and subsequently taken up bу Soviet historians eager to claim Makhmud as а mаn of the People.
They also claimed that the XIX century craftsmen working оn the mausoleum, good proto-proletarians аll, surreptitiously worked his irreligious verses into its decoration. Makhmud's record as а wrestler is less controversial.
Не was unbeatable, with fans and mangled challengers throughout Central Asia. Iranian professional wrestlers apparently still offer prayers to him before fighting. Тhe Shirgazi Кhan madrasa (1725) across the street was built on that khan's orders by Persian slaves he had captured on а recent raid to Meshed and Russian ones who had survived the massacre of Prince Bekovich's 1717 expedition.
In 1720 they killed the khan on one of his site visits. Hence the inscription оvег the entrance: I accept death at the hands of slaves. Over time, the poet was canonized as the patron saint of the city and the dynasty of khans Kungrad.
The main building is a block from the tomb of the Khans, the dome which dominates the city skyline in all, and gurkhan Pahlavan-Mahmud with ziarathanoy and lobby (dihlizom) with her.
Yard framed as avian and columned building with a dome later burials representatives of the Khan home. In the main group of buildings of this complex is the main focus decorative accent: turquoise lining, vibrant blue accents on the dome of the tomb, majolica decoration aivan.
But is particularly rich in décor: the walls, domes and tombs, they are, entirely covered with majolica pyshnorastitelnogo "Khiva" pattern. Their main creator was Jean Abdullah, head of the architectural work of the architect Mullah al-Din Muhammad Murad of Khazarasp (town south of Khiva), and finishing works involved hereditary master Hyp Mohammed and Mohammed Niaz.
Remarkable carved doors in ziarathane (1810), the central doors of the Tomb (1893 - 1894), the wizard, Nadir Mohammed and carved columns in the mosque aivan summer (second half of XIX century).
«Religious and spiritual monuments of the Central Asia ». The author of M. Khashimov. Publishing house "Saga", 2001. Belenitski A.M., Bentovitch I.B., Bolshakov O.G. « Medieval city of Central Asia»., 1973, Leningrad.
Alexander Petrov.