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Djakhongir, Omar Sheikh complex in Shakhrisabz.

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«With left and from the right party of a facade of a building, he has ordered, that buildings makbarat (tombs) and new khazira for Emirzade Djakhongir and other descendants and members of aristocracy»
Sharafiddin Yazdi.
Religious tours in Shahrisabz.
Complex Dorus-Saodat («Storehouse of authority») intended for all dynasty Temurids and has been constructed after sudden death of favourite son Temur - Djakhongir in 1376. After death body Djakhongir has been transported from Samarkand in Shakhrisabz, on the historical native land of ancestors.
Some years later, Timur has called the best architects from Khoresm and has ordered to them to construct mausoleum Djakhongir above a tomb of prince. Chronicler court yard Temur, Sharafiddin Yazdi, wrote: «With left and from the right party of a facade of a building, he has ordered, that buildings makbarat (tombs) and new khazira for Emirzade Djakhongir and other descendants and members of aristocracy » have been constructed.
Second son Temur - Umarshaikh (Lobster-sheikh) killed in 1393 - 1394. In the age of 29 years during осады fortresses the Kurd in Iran, also has been buried in complex Dorus-Saodat. Temur has ordered to construct also a tomb and for it - the mausoleum the Lobster-sheikh.
But up to now Amir Temura's crypt which and has remained empty because the destiny has disposed so was saved only, that the great governor has been buried in Gur-emir in Samarkand.
Buildings of complex Dorus-Saodat have been destroyed after in city II armies of governor Sheibanids Abdulla-khan have entered into second half XVI centuries. From all constructions mausoleum Djakhongir and Amir Temura's crypt was saved only.
In the middle of XIX century near it multiroom mosque Khazri of the Imam with a vaulted ceiling in a hall and decorated aivan has been constructed.
«The Guidebook on tourist places of interest of the Kashkadarinskai province». 2011.