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Khazret Imam mosque.

Excursions on main places of interest Shakhrisabz.
“History is a witness of the past, a light of truth, a living memory, a teacher of life, a messenger of olden time”
Tours from Samarkand to Shahrisabz.
Closely to saved mausoleum Dorus-Saodat in XIX - the beginning of XX centuries the mosque with a winter dome premise and years aivan on wooden columns has been attached. Here in the past could be медресе memorial Dorus-Saodat.
In national tradition the mausoleum and a mosque carry name Khazret the Imam. On one of versions it is connected by that here were bury remains of the visible Islamic figure of VIII century.
Khazret Imam Bagdadi, taken out from Iran under Amir Temura's order.
On another - name Khazret of the Imam can be connected with the known collector IX centuries. Abu Mukhammad inb Nasr al-Keshi, whose name is mentioned on the carved door established here in XIX century.
Alexey Arapov. Uzbekistan.
Alexander Petrov.