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Sangirtepa a site of ancient settlement.

Tourist bus routes across Uzbekistan.
"Since I gave you my heart,
I fell into a sea of doom,
When I stand, I prayed
It seems to me that you are in the mihrab. ”
Saadi Shirazi.
What to see in Kashkadarya.
Sangirtepa - separately costing hill, settles down behind feature of city walls, on distance of 650 m to a southwest from Uzynkyr. Consists of the central hill the area 84 × 62 meters, height about 8 meters.
The Bypass wall captures the area within the limits of 3 hectare. Since 1983 on a site of ancient settlement archeologic works as employees of faculty of archeology of the Tashkent State university (nowadays National University of Uzbekistan) are conducted.
As a result of archeological excavations on Sangirtepa the unique temple Zaroostriyskay with a hall in the middle, with an altar and auxiliary premises has been found. The temple is one of the most ancient cult constructions of Central Asia.
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