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Bugutty mountains.

Places of interest of mountains Kazakhstan.
“Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Privileged travel route in Kazakhstan.
Bugutty mountains consist of two separately located mountain heights - Balobogetty, stretched in a sublatitudinal direction in the northwest and the Ulken-Bugutty mountains in the southeast, the mountain range is located on the territory of the Charyn Natural Park, in the Uigur district of the Almaty region.
The Bugutty mountains are bounded from the east by the valley of the Charyn river, from the west by the valley of the Ili river and the Kapshagay reservoir. From the south, the mountains are limited by the Syugaty valley. The main attractions of Bugutty are located in the intermountain valley, stretching from the northeast to the southwest.
From the southwest, this area is limited by the Kyzyltobe mountains with a dominant peak 1394.8 meters above sea level. In the northwest, the area is bounded by Mount Akzhar, 634.6 meters above sea level, located 1.8 kilometers from the new Almaty - Zharkent highway.
Accordingly, in the northwest, these are the mountains of Balobogetty and in the southeast, Ulken Bugutty. In the intermountain valley of Bugutta there are several picturesque tracts: in the northern part of Azhyrzhar, in the central part - Shynbulak, Orta-Shynbulak, Suly-Shynbulak, Aktospa.
The intermountain valley of Bugutty lies at altitudes: in the southern part from 1361.6 and in the north up to 680 meters above sea level. In the southern part of the Balobogetty mountains, there is a dominant mark with a height of 1626.1 meters above sea level.
Balobogetty in the southwest borders on a range of mountains: Ushmyalybay, Karaoay and Shashkaly. To the south of these mountains there are a large number of springs. The mountains of Ulken-Bugutty are dominated by a mark of 1816.1 meters above sea level and in the westernmost part by a mountain of 1644 meters above sea level.
In the south, the Ulken-Bugutty mountains border on the Kudaibergen hills and the Karakoily mountains, a little further in the south-west are the Kyzylkyrka mountains. There are several springs in the locality of Bugutty: Suly-Shynbulak, Kopuenkki, Betuyenki, Aktospa, Uenkebulak, Beskuduk, Uyenkibulak, which is located next to the huntsman's house.
Relief of Bugutty mountains.
The mountains of Bugutty are composed of multi-colored clays, mostly red colors dominate. They have a mid-mountain relief, which is generally characterized by soft and smoothed forms, but in some places the slopes are steep and rocky.
The middle mountains are bounded on all sides by heavily dissected ledges. Water flows have broken through many canyons in them, thereby forming a bizarre labyrinth of gorges, over which rocky peaks rise.
Climate in Bugutty mountains.
The climate in the area of the Bogutty mountains is sharply continental. In summer it is very hot here, even in autumn the air temperature in the shade can reach more than 30 C. The feeling of heat intensifies with the absence of vegetation. There are only a few springs and wells in the entire area of about 400 square kilometers.
Geology of Bugutty Mountains.
Bugutty mountain range is composed of a diverse composition of rocks: sandstones, shales, silicon, limestones, conglomerates, effusive rocks, granites and granitoids. In the northern part of the mountains there are hardened lavas of basalts, andesite-basalts and porphyries. In the distant past, there was an active volcano here.
This is indicated by numerous blocks of petrified volcanic ash. Kazakh geologists assume that in the northern part of the intermountain valley of Bugutta there is a caldera (from the Spanish caldera - a large cauldron) with a length of 2.7 kilometers in diameter.
This is a vast, not quite pronounced cirque-shaped basin of volcanic origin. Such relief relief is formed on the volcano after the collapse of the walls of the crater or as a result of its catastrophic eruption. The caldera differs from the crater in its formation features and large size. I
n nature, calderas reach 10 - 20 kilometers in diameter. Among the rocks, frozen lava flows are visible, for which time has stopped since the era of dinosaurs. Among the stones you can find real basalt, which is a volcanic product.
According to geologists, 250 million years ago, volcanic activity in this area ceased. The border of the giant volcanic belt stretched from Lake Balkhash and ended not far from the current northern borders of Almaty.
Mountain sheep, foxes, hares, partridges and partridges live in these places. Vegetation is represented only by various shrubs and herbs (mainly wormwood).
Geographical coordinates of intermountain valley of Bugutty: N43°39'30.23" E78°57'50.62"
Geographic coordinates of Ulken-Bugutty mountains: N43°33'42.80" E79°03'13.37"
Geographical coordinates of mountains of Balaboghetty: N43°38'58.72" E78°50'49.32"
Alexand Petrov.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.