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Artuch tourist camp.

Walks on lakes in Hhissar mountains.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Lao Tzu.
Individual tours in Tajikistan.
The climbing tourist center «Artuch» is located at height of 2200 meters above sea level in a valley of the river Artuch, is in 72 kilometers from the city of Pendzhikent. Artuch - ancient Sogd the name, "ар" - a head, "clouds" - a spring, that is a source of a spring.
The camp has been opened in 1971 and was a place of carrying out of various climbing ascentions and tourist mountain hiking. Now the camp site works every year from May till October.
The infrastructure of camp "Artuch " is more developed in comparison with MATC "Vertical-Alaudin". In territory of camp some cottages and houses are constructed. There is a dining room, pool, a shower, a round-the-clock electricity.
The camp has own transport and renders services on transportation of tourists and climbers, helps with registration of check in republic Tajikistan. Many foreign tourists use bases «Artuch».
Camp "Artuch" has territory of 15 hectares, covered by the Alpine meadows, the river «Chil Chashma» from here begins. In 20 minutes of walking from camp "Artuch" is fine natural Rock-climbing wall where rock-climbers of all age can train.
An ideal opportunity for sports perfection in comfortable conditions. In warehouses tourist center there is a necessary quantity of equipment for climbers and tourists. Camp Artuch can offer accommodation in cottages with 2 double rooms on 24 persons, small houses with 4 and 6 rooms on 250 person, a first-aid post, a sauna, a banquet hall, a pub, shop where it is possible to buy products.
In territory Artuch mobile cellular communication of Tadjik operator Indigo-Somoncom works. Tourist routes are laid to lakes Iskanderkul, Kulikalon, Alaudin, Allo, Marguzor. On base it is possible to arrive from Khojend, Dushanbe.