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Главная » Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region nature. Lakes of Pamir.

Shorkul lake.

Trips on mountain lakes of Pamir in Tajikistan.

“Nature is wise. You can learn everywhere and from everything”

Leonardo da Vinci.

Ramblers Walking Holidays in Tajikistan.

The lake Shorkul, is in Is Mountain-Badakshan autonomous region of Tajikistan, in southern spurs Sarykol of a ridge. Length of lake of 2 kilometers of 772 meters, width of lake almost 2 kilometers. By lake there passes a highway to settlement Rangkul.
The lake Shorkul is at height of 3 764 meters above sea level in the most east remote part of Tajikistan, in extensive to a hollow. The lake Shorkul incorporates to lake Rangkul, narrow 9 kilometer canal Uzykdarya.
From the city of Murghab the lake is in 39 kilometers and in 22 kilometers from settlement Rangkul which is located in the east from lake. Water in lakes fresh, on a surface of lake it is possible to see in current of day turquoise-blue and blue-violet colors.
The greatest depth of lake - 2,5 meters. A dining fills up lake due to thawed snow and glacial waters. Water gets warm poorly. In vicinities of lake are Saks buraial mounds.

Shorkul lake. Shorkul lake. Shorkul lake. Shorkul lake. Shorkul lake. Shorkul lake.

 The Nature It is Mountain-Badakshan province Tajikistan. 2010.

Alexander Petrov.