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Komsomol lake in Dushanbe.

Excursions on monuments of Dushanbe.
"Appoint righteous rulers,
Able to improve the edge.
ho, ruling, offends the workers,
He threatens the good of the whole state"
Muslihiddin Saadi.
Komsomol lake in Dushanbe.
Komsomol lake is an artificial lake in the northern part of Dushanbe, which is filled from the Dushanbinka (Varzob) river. At the moment it is called "Youth Lake" (Taj. "Kuli ҷavonon"). The lake is located south of the "Youth Park" (taj. "Bogi ҷavonon") Ismoil Somoni district of Dushanbe.
The area of the lake is 21 hectares. The length of the lake is 715 meters, the width of the lake in the northeastern part is 203 meters, in the southwestern part - 614 meters, the maximum depth is 5 meters. Periodically (in winter) the lake is drained. There is a boat station on the southeastern shore of the lake.
Historical information about Komsomolskoye lake in Dushanbe.
In 1938, when the construction of a wide reinforced concrete bridge across Dushanbinka was completed, on the initiative of the Komsomol members of Stalinabad and the forces of its residents, Komsomolskoye Lake was built in 1939 and a large shady park with antique vases and lighting around the entire perimeter was laid out nearby.
For the people of Stalinabad, the lake immediately became the most favorite place for family recreation and leisure.
May 1941. Families, friends, noisy companies came to the lake, and it gave life-giving coolness to everyone, even on the hottest day. The only thing that confuses in this photo is sadness and foreboding in the eyes of adults.
1950 On the steamboat "Pioneer" anyone could take a walk on the lake. What a joy and happiness it was for the children! It is a pity that today there is no such joy.
1954 A picturesque pavilion was erected on the Komsomolskoye Lake according to the project of the architect V. Zhitomirsky. It is made in an amazingly beautiful Ionic style, with two rows of snow-white columns along its two facades. A real, small miracle on the water surface of the lake.
February 2013. The magnificent colonnade, the real pearl of Komsomolskoye Lake, today resembles the ruins of Chersonese. Everything must be done to save this amazing creation of the past. After all, every inhabitant of our beautiful city should know, love and preserve the beauty among which he lives.
And do we have the right to reject the culture of the past indiscriminately and without judgment?
1982. 1972 Olympic champion, 10-time world champion Yuri Lobanov is training on Komsomolskoye Lake. Now it is hard to believe that here, in the depths of Asia, on the Komsomolskoye Lake of the city of Dushanbe, there was one of the best rowing bases of the Soviet sport.
A bright page of the pre-war capital is its Komsomolskoye Lake. The place for its construction was not chosen by chance. In the days of summer floods, water from Dyushambe-Darya, starting from the territory of the former Putovsky Spusk, flooded the entire district for several tens of kilometers, turning it into a real paradise for migratory waterfowl.
After the water receded, this space, generously strewn with river pebbles, under the burning summer sun turned into a hot stone cauldron, which people and animals carefully bypassed. Old-timers said that sometimes the summer temperature reached such a limit here that the wings of birds flying in low flight were charred and they fell down like a stone.
In the spring of 1940, at the call of the Stalinabad city executive committee to the youth and citizens of the capital, the construction of a lake began on this site. Every day, after work, on Saturdays and Sundays, whole teams from enterprises and institutions, students, soldiers of the garrison came and came here.
With shovels and picks they deepened the bottom of the future lake, collected the removed pebbles and sand in bags, loaded them onto cars and carts and took them to an artificial dam, which separated the lake from the river. A diversion canal was also built near the lake.
They even worked at night under the headlights of cars. So spring and summer passed, and already in mid-August of the same year, almost 5 months after the start of construction, the lake was filled with water. For citizens and guests of the capital, it is still a favorite vacation spot.
Geographical coordinates of Komsomolskoye Lake in Dushanbe: N38°34'50.27" E68°46'04.70"
Gafur Shermatov, the historian.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov and from personal archive Gafur Shermatov, the historian.