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Park of name Aini in Dushanbe.

Main tourist places of interest of Dushanbe.
“Poetic talent is not for everyone and is not always a virtue.
Poetry, like science, is a double-edged sword.
If a noble person is killed with this sword, it means that the killer has committed a grave sin.
If poetry serves good - glory to the poet!
If evil, then let them be damned!”
Aini Sadriddin.
Excursions Silk Road Adventures in Dushanbe.
Park of culture and recreation named after Sadriddin Aini is located in the northern part of Dushanbe, at the end of the central thoroughfare of the city - Rudaki Avenue (the main avenue of the city). The total area of the park is 6 hectares.
The main alley of the park leads to a round area, from where a longitudinal alley begins, leading to the second entrance. The park has terraces, gazebos, a teahouse, small architectural forms, elements of park design, a fountain and more.
The park is planted with various trees, vineyards, shrubs and flowers. he park area is home to local attractions such as the Aqueduct and the Reservoir near the water pumping station. The project of the park was completed by the creative team of architects of the Tajikgiprostroy Institute in 1958.
On an elevated place in the center of the park above the grave of Sadriddin Aini, under the vaults of vines, a white marble mausoleum has taken its place, a picturesque terrace leads to it. The mausoleum was erected in honor of the founder of Tajik literature.
There are always fresh flowers at the foot of the monument. Various trees, vineyards, shrubs and flowers are planted on the territory of the park, there are numerous small architectural forms, a fountain, benches and gazebos. In the 80s, the park was reconstructed, during which its infrastructure facilities were updated.
The park is a favorite resting place for citizens and guests of the city. It differs from other parks of the city by its unique coziness, which is created by perennial trees that shelter from the summer heat with their crowns.
In the center of the park on the main alley, a memorial was built in honor of the famous people of the republic. The alley ends with the mausoleum of Sadriddin Aini, erected over his grave in 1958 - 1960 (the author of the bust of S. Aini, sculptor A. A. Manuilov).
The park was designed in the State Design Institution "Tajikgiprostroy" in 1958 by the architect Yu. G. Snegovsky. In the late 1980s, the entire park ensemble was reconstructed. In October 2017, the burial places of famous people were removed from the territory of the park - the former leaders of Tajikistan Jabar Rasulov and Bobodjan Gafurov, the national poet Boki Rakhimzoda, academician Muhammad Osimi, scientists Kamol Aini and Mukaddima Ashrafi.
Their remains were reburied at the Luchob Muslim cemetery.
Geographical coordinates of park of culture and recreation named after Sadriddin Aini in Dushanbe: N38°37'31.18" E68°46'37.37"
Authority and photos:
Tourist guidebook on monuments of Dushanbe. 2012.