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Mausoleum Adjinakhona.

The Trip in Istaravshan.
“...it seemed a part of her life, to step from the ancient to the modern, back and forth. She felt rather sorry for those who knew only one and not the other. It was better, she thought, to be able to select from the whole menu of human achievements than to be bound within one narrow range”
Orson Scott Card.
Tours and Travels in Tajikistan.
The tomb of Ajinakhon is a necropolis of a noble woman, located in the town of Istaravshin, Sughd region. As a matter of fact is the mausoleum. In this premise the notable woman by name Bibi-begimdjona - descendant Mahdumi Horazmi, presumably, has been buried.
In the archival document, according to academician Ahrora Mukhtorova, date 1171 (1757 - 1758) it is noted, that she was daughter Oishi and Isjoni Musk Khodji and sister Iboduppo Hodzhi and Ubaidullo Khodji.
According to documents Adjinakhona originally was tomb Khazrati Yusuf Khodji Kori.
To not let children to play inside and near ththem frightened, that the given building is the house feature (gin) and consequently the mausoleum subsequently has received name Adjinakhona.
The Tourist guidebook on monuments of Tajikistan. 2012.