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Hazrati-Shoh a mosque.

Walk on Istaravshan.
The hisorical-architectural complex known under name Hazrati-Shoh, is in an old part of the city of Istravshana and consists of three cult constructions: mausoleum Hazrati-Shoh, mausoleum Khudoer Valami and mosque Hazrati-Shoh (also known and as mosque Namazgoh).
Each of the constructions entering into complex Hazrati-Shoh, is erected at various times and has the history of creation and purpose. Mosque Hazrati-Shoh (also known and as mosque (Namazgoh), is located by a semicircle around of spring Hazrati-Shoh - a name sacred which is based in this place.
On a legend, the mosque has been constructed by the richman of a quarter Tal, Mirzo Kobil, in 1891 - 1892. Iwan mosques have been constructed later by the inhabitant of settlement Salimbai.
Iwan of a mosque with two numbers of carved columns towered above transparent pool with spring water. Near a spring the cold bath with several rooms operated. The mosque is repaired in 1913.
The mosque is in territory guzar Namazgoh which in the end XVIII and prior to the beginning of XX century was considered as cultural, religious, trading and public center Ura-Tyube. Cathedral mosque Namazhoh - a multicolumned construction for fulfilment of celebratory prays.
All wooden parts of a ceiling, the console, a capital are covered by a magnificent list with prevalence of green, dark blue and red color. 28 columns on which the ceiling iwan leans, are decorated by skilful woodcarving.
Today the complex is actively visited by local residents. Cathedral mosque Hazrati-Shoh was a quarter mosque guzar Hazrati-Shoh and served as a place of Friday prays of city dwellers in large Muslim holidays and at week-days.
The Western facade of a mosque adjoined an ancient cemetery earlier. Besides pool two more memorial constructions are included in complex Hazrati-Shoh - mausoleum Khudoer Alami and Hazrati-Shoh.
At present the construction is used as the central cathedral mosque of city. Here there is an office of city spiritual advice of city.
The Tourist guidebook on monuments of Tajikistan. 2012.
Faridun Khamroev.