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Museum in Kairakkum.

Visiting of museums of Tajikistan.
The historical-study of local lore museum of the city of Kairakkum is to the address of: 735610 Republic Tajikistan, Sughd region, Kairakkum, Lenin street, 27а. Ph. 992 3443 223 64
The museum is based in 1993 in honour of the 30 anniversary of the basis Kairakkum.
Showrooms settle down in the city cultural center together with city library and art school. The collection fund of a museum totals about 3000 exhibits which almost are in full presented in six showrooms by a total area nearby 100 sq.m.
The Exposition of a museum Kairakkum and settlements surrounding it, about the basic industrial enterprises of area and their production tells about the nature and geology of Northern Tajikistan, history of the basis and construction.
In halls of a museum products of local artists (painting, ceramics, needlework), and also casual archeological finds from territory which are exhibited together with not numerous collection of traditional copper and ceramic utensils of Tadjiks are presented.
Special interest is represented with a collection of minerals and the butterflies made of them, presented in gift to a museum the local collector and master А.М. The Sokolov. The significant part of a bench exposition tells about heroes of work and veterans of Great Domestic war - inhabitants of area.
Museum label in the Tadjik language. In a museum excursions for schoolboys within the limits of the program on history are spent. The museum will on a regular basis organize exhibitions of local artists and pupils of art school, actively participates in the program of the annual actions devoted to the state holidays of Tajikistan, city holidays and anniversaries of the industrial enterprises of area.
Authorship and photos:
http: // elint.kunstkamera.ru