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Museum «Bibikhonum».

Trip to city the Kurgan-Tobe.
The city museum Bibikhonum is to the address of 735140 Republic Tajikistan, Khatlon of province, of Kurgan-Tyube, avenue Vakhdat, 21. Ph. 992 33 244 70.
In 1999 the museum is organized under the decision of the city government, and its exposition settles down in downtown in a building constructed on a place of an ancient city fortress.
Round by way of a building with a tower in the middle is an architectural dominant of city. Exhibits total about 1600 exhibits on history of city Kurgan-Tyube and culture of its inhabitants.
The part of exhibits has been passed from a regional historical-study of local lore museum of Kurgan-Tyube. The exposition of a museum begins with the story about ancient history of Kurgan-Tyube, representing a number of typical archeological finds of the late Middle Ages and a breadboard model of city.
On small breadboard models - stages of markets, noisy and populous streets of medieval settlement. Some stands are devoted to history of the state Samanids. Materials of ethnographic section of the exposition representing embroidered female dresses, a panel-suzani, complete sets of ornaments and numerous samples of ceramics and metal house utensils of Tadjiks XIX - XX centuries are various.
At stands and show-windows of an exposition - various photos and documents on history of Kurgan-Tyube in the end XX - the beginning of XXI centuries product samples of the industrial enterprises, portraits and products of local writers, sports cups, etc.
Museum label in the Tadjik language. Schoolboys and visitors of city - the most frequent visitors of a museum. For them excursions in the Tadjik and Russian languages are spent. In a museum exhibitions-sales of works of local masters and handicraftsmen are regular.
The museum takes part in the city actions devoted to the state holidays of Tajikistan, to review of economic achievements Khatlon of province, and also in carrying out of the city actions devoted Navruz and a Muslim holiday of sacrifice (Idi Kurbon).
The opportunity to rise on a viewing tower is given to visitors. The museum is opened from 9.00 till. The Day off - Monday. The Input paid.
Authorship and photos:
http: // elint.kunstkamera.ru