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Observatory «Sangloh».

Excursions on observatories of Tajikistan.
In 2015 in vicinities of settlement Sangloh of area Khatlon of province Dangara of area the International astronomical observatory «Sangloh» Institute of astrophysics of the Academy of sciences of Republic Tajikistan is opened.
The observatory «Sangloh» from the optical point of view and on an astronomical climate is the best in the world. During independence, after 20 years of a break, she is again restored in view of its big scientific and international value for astronomical supervision, studying and research of small bodies of solar system and comets.
The observatory settles down at height of 2300 meters above sea level and is constructed in 1977. Since 1995 she has the status of the international observatory for she and scientific spheres have brought the significant contribution to development of world astronomy.
Supervision under direction of About. Item O.P. Vasilyanovskii have shown, that on calmness of atmosphere Sangloh the best place in the USSR (30 % of time FWHM = 0.3"). Since 1957 and till 1980 on Sangloh the constant mountain station of a department of variable stars worked.
The observatory was projected under direction of Dobrovolsky Oleg Vasilevich. There has been begun construction is begun in 1977, in 1980 - is completed. In 90th years XX of a century dome Seis - 1000 was exposed to bombardment, the control panel has been broken by 1-st telescope, and on main mirror S - 600 is feather - result of marauding of the population during search of nonferrous metals.
Observatory Sangloh has a mirror telescope in diameter in 1 meter. The telescope is got in 1980 in the German company Karl Tsseissi. He is capable to find out objects which size makes 10 sm on distance in 40 000 kilometers from the Earth.
Quality of pictures of the given telescope close to parameters of telescopes which diameter makes 2 meters. So, in 1985 at the next approach of comet Galileo the Sun, the first pictures of this comet have been received from the given observatory while such pictures could not receive by means of a telescope which diameter makes 6 meters.
During that moment brightness of a comet made 22 star sizes. For restoration of an observatory for purchase of the necessary equipment it is spent almost 1 000 000 somon. Now in her 30 scientists are engaged in constant scientific activity.
The observatory consists of 6 floors, in its studies experts are engaged in studying space ph. After restoration of the digital equipment quality of work of an observatory has essentially improved and its opportunities have extended.
Now in Institute of astrophysics three scientific observatories - an observatory «Ghissar» at height of 730 meters above sea level function, an observatory «Sangloh» at height of 2300 meters above sea level and an observatory "Pamir" at height of 4350 meters above sea level in area Murgab Is Mountain-Badakshan autonomous region.
The international astronomical community has extremely highly estimated the contribution of institute to development of astronomy and 7 small stars names of the Tadjik scientists have named and two other planets are named "Tajikistan" and «Ghissar an observatory».
On November, 14th, 2014 in the European space agency in Germany there was a significant event: the space vehicle "Resette" which is being at a level of comet Churymov-Gerasimenko, has started deep studying this comet.
A subject of pride of the Tadjik scientists is that fact, that the given comet for the first time on September, 29th, 1969 was opened the scientific employee of Institute of astrophysics of the Academy of sciences of Republic Tajikistan by Svetlana Gerasimenko.
She has been invited to Germany where observed of research of a level of the open comet. Having studied this comet, scientists will answer many questions connected with occurrence of bodies of solar system, including occurrence of a life on the Earth.
News agencies of Tajikistan, https://ru.wikipedia.org.