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Karaulchitau peak Talgar.

Climbing routes on mountain tops of gorge Issyk.
«Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves»
Jean-Jacques Roussea.
4x4 ATV - Silk Road Adventures Kazakhstan.
Karaulchitau peak 3504 meters above sea level. The snow-ice mountainsides of the peak reach the sharp of 30 - 40’, in the separate parts to 60’. It is located in Talgar a hills.
Has snow and ice slopes of peak the steepness from 30 up to 40 degrees, on separate sites up to 60 degrees reach.
Are presented by trailing glaciers which are mixed with valley - Shokalskiy, Salsov, Kroshka. Top Karaulchitau is subdued on traverse from the south on the east in 1937 under direction of Evgeniy Kolokolnikov.
The river Average Talgar eats from a glacier located at peak Karaulchitau, is direct from which the gorge begins. Climbers this peak topped by snows and glaciers, playfully name Karaulchik, or the Watchman.
On slope Karaulchitau the glacier, coming to an end is located by large glacial breakage. The blocks of an ice broken from it are mixed with stones. Below a glacier often there are large spots of an ice, under fragments of rocks.
To the north of peak Karaulchitau on distance 3 - 4 kilometers from it the gorge is partitioned off by an enormous moraine.
"Zhetysu is the Land of tourism”. A Tourist Guide-book. Almaty.
Sergei Mikhalkov.