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Sights of reserve Aksu-Zhabagly.

Tours nature reserve Aksu-Zhabagly.
“Nature is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Excursions Astana reserve Aksu-Zhabagly.
High-mountainous lakes Kokuirum both Zhasyl and icefall Zhabagly, Shungulduk and Bugulytor.
Coral gorge in reserve Aksu-Zhabagly - files of grey rocks with the hardened remains of molluscs and corals - inhabitants of the ancient sea of an epoch the Paleozoic.
Paleontologic sites Aulie and Karabastau - thin slates with prints of ancient fishes, insects and plants Jurassic period.
The gorge Topshak - from which deduces cosy green gorge, a way on pass, the kind on riverheads Zhabagly whence opens.
The valley Ulken-Kaindy - here a wood consists of a juniper spherical, colourful wild grasses a meadow. In Ulken-Kaindy there is a "sectional" camp from which it is possible to make travel to other valley of reserve.
Pass Ulken-Kaindy 2800 meters above sea level - a majestic panorama headstream the rivers Aksu
Valley Chuuldak - spacious high meadows. In the spring here many yellow tulips Greigi, the beautiful mountain river of Bala-Baldybrek.
Canyon of the river Koksai - a picturesque canyon with the removed steep rocks and walls in mountains Karatau.
Valley Berkara - a pure stream, a fine grove where the red book an ash grows, a plenty paradise flycatcher (Muscicapidae) and an oriole.
The valley Psteli - in the river is a lot of water with slopes, run wild a hawthorn.
The valley Karaungur - beautiful gorge, run wild a mulberry, wild grapes and almonds Petunnikov, transparent water of a stream, set of small caves, is a lot of colors in the spring.
Walk in riverheads Zhabagly - above a boarding house «Asel», up to gorge the Bak-Barak - 15 km, above is dzhailyau. Water in the river very pure.
Lake Bilikol in thrickets of a reed. Here it is possible to see marsh and steppe harrier, various herons, black and white storks, various sandpiper, terrick (Sterna), sea gull and sparrow birds (millerbird (Acrocephalus), common penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus), a wagtail).
Lakes Taskol, Darbaza - typical Central Asian lakes with the open reach.
Ters-Achibulak a reservoir - artificial lake with the open reach where in summertime it is possible to see typical native birds: tern (Sterna), the seagull, sandpiper, during migration set of flying North-Kazakhstan and Siberian kinds. In area Ters-Ashchibulak of a reservoir nest a crane which here can be seen within all spring and summer.
Lake Kyzylkol - the lake located in mountains Karatau among stone desert, where during migrations many migrating birds.
Lake Shoshkakol, run wild a reed in which water birds live many. On free coast from vegetation - it is possible to see set a heron and sandpiper (including the white-tailed puny person, stilt (Himantopus), spinebill (Acanthorhynchus) and others). In saline soil to desert at lake - its characteristic inhabitants: a grey and small lark, booted warbler (Hippolais caligata), Rufous Bush Robin (Cercotrichas galactotes) a nightingale both grey nine-killer (Lanius) and a magnificent colony green bee-eater (Merops).
Valley of the river Arabek - the small mountain river in picturesque coast, run wild in a lower reaches four kinds of a juniper. A beautiful mountain wood. A crying falls. Original glacial clay shaft from light granite boulders.
Valley of the river Maidantal - a spacious valley of the deep mountain river. The landscape is decorated by a ridge of snow tops in height more than 4000 meters. Along the river in riiver head the Alpine meadows, here live colonies of marmots. Picturesque rocks. In the bottom current a birch wood.
The valley Sairamsu - the abounding in water prompt river to Sairam-Su, flows among magnificent colourful meadows and birchwoods on a background of majestic peak to Sairam - the highest top Talass Ala-Tau. Nearby there are two high-mountainous glacial clay lakes.
Evgeniy Belousov information. Reserves USSR. Reserves of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Moscow "Idea", 1990.
Alexander Petrov